
runescape items 129742915553593750_354 - IXO

129742915553593750_354Abstract: this year, the Zhuzhou will promote the "placement" and "planned demolition", leave enough in the requisition process integration, infrastructure and land for development. Exploration and production to villagers living placement, job security and other support: the model, strict policy of requisition of the Sun [news type price reviews] units. "To make sure that the landFor the balance, basic field not be altered under any circumstances, we cannot blatantly used all the resources of future generations. "Held yesterday at the meeting of land and resources in Zhuzhou city, Mayor of Zhuzhou municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary, Wang Qun stressed, to be strictly regulated land buy runescape items, protect land and manage land. Member of the Standing Committee and Executive Vice Mayor Wang Chih-kang to attend. This year, the Zhuzhou will promote the "resettlement"And "planned demolition", and implementing social housing policies, to give priority to safeguarding the people's livelihood projects. Insist on cultivated land protection "quality" last year, 33,815 acres for construction of Zhuzhou city, with city-level 23,928 acres. In addition, on cultivated land protection in adherence to the "quality", added 1140 hectares of arable land. Wang Qun stressed, in this year's work,Realization of dynamic balance of total amount, "under pressure to use by the construction of cultivated land, be sure to keep the red line shall not be shaken. "Bureau of land and resources in Zhuzhou city He Anguo, the Secretary pointed out in the report:" we will carry out evaluation of land intensive use assessment, evaluation test results as a basis for planning distribution next year ", this, Wang Qun stressed the need to" control of incremental, revitalize the stock, itLand intensive utilization ", step up efforts to clean up idle land, eliminate without batch, batch without symptoms, signs and without problems. Priority protection of people's livelihood such as affordable housing, Bureau of land and resources in Zhuzhou city He Anguo, the Secretary said, this year on the construction of Zhuzhou in livelihood projects, to build protection of affordable housing, public housing, squatter areas and reconstruction of city village, the project. To fallReal land for affordable housing policy cheap runescape items, giving priority to safeguarding the people's livelihood project, "we explore to villager production placement, employment protection provision of life support: the model, and strict policy of requisition, dismantlement and removal of the Sun, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of landless peasants. "He Anguo said, to create a" Government-led, decentralization of authority, duties clear and tightly regulated "features"Zhuzhou mode", such as Tianyuan District horse family River high in the town of Tong Village in Zhuzhou city, village groups overall, total demolition charge; collective resettlement of villagers runescape items, the collective transfer cities; set of collective land transfer and separation, the first sign of the village after work, becoming the village collective economy in Zhuzhou city's most powerful. Promoting the "placement" and "planned demolition", leave enough in the requisition process of rehousing land, infrastructureAnd land for development. In addition, Wang Qun requirements at all levels of Government to deploy, city and County land Department must meticulously organize the city's right of rural collective land ownership registration certificate. Chang-Zhu-Tan bear dew Others:

