
tor pvp valor power leveling the situation is quite different - DNO

129725030002894344_52Magic coach cross edge class players: now nobody listens to his command NetEase sports reported on January 31: Magic recently encountered difficulties, after 69-74 lost to 76 people today, they have four games in a row to lose the ball. Race in Beijing on January 28 star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, they all had to get 67, lost to Union ruolv wasps very ugly. And in fact is not the first time this happens, on January 24, lost to CelticIn the match, Magic House only to get a score of 56, shooting down to 24.6%, the worst performance gave Orlando one heavy blow. In this case, Magic coach-Stan Van Gundy may be to blame, saying hardships every night rain, at a time when magic was in trouble, the recent message according to the sports news, a magic anonymous playersClaimed in an interview, saying nobody in the locker room to listen to Jeff Van Gundy's command, the Jiao Dou class may have the edge. After a series defeat in the recent,-Stan Van Gundy team clear dissatisfaction in an interview, he said: "this is the obvious thing, our players on the pitch didn't work hard enough, the best solution to the problem is the effortPower play, but we don't do that, as a team boss I am very frustrated. My job is to make the team worked well, but did not do that now. "Discontent-Stan Van Gundy for the team on the one hand, on the other hand, the players for their attitude of the coach is not a support. Recently a magic anonymous player told the sports news in an interview withTo reveal an insider, the player said,-Stan Van Gundy was talking in the locker room had no effect, the players are not listening to him. "I want to say is that Jeff Van Gundy is not now as in the past led us out of the Woods. "The magic anonymous player said," we are all professional players, we want together to help the team back on track, But when the team lost time the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, the situation is quite different, Van Gundy faces dilemma class, this is not his fault, but that is indeed the case. "There is no doubt that bad situation now magic experience a State of flux. Team failed in the foreign wars, internal and outgoing players no longer listen to-Stan Van Gundy command messages and team Lord Dwight-HowardAt the forefront of trade rumors. Now certainly tor pvp valor power leveling, the magic to the most difficult times. Already this season is the 5th season of-Stan Van Gundy coaching the magic, he led the team at war a total of 349 matches so far, has 234 WINS 115 negative achievements, despite regular race between victory rate as high as 67%, but magic has always failed to stand on the Championship podium. This seasonTeam suffered a series of combat, dafangandi day does not feel so much better.

