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129626035571406250_274Domestic first "powder" about Apple computer contribution to economic In the 80 's, Yu Yongquan (middle) with his two assistants to use China's first Apple computer introduced by a group. Respondents providing domestic "bobbing for apples" first Yu Yongquan Guangdong University of technology Professor, doctoral supervisor, the Guangdong provincial government staff officer, he was born in 1947, Guangzhou people, is China's first batch of experts engaged in the computer industry. He can with a single memory FreehandComputer logic diagram, is the founder of fuzzy control products. Steve jobs is a very creative person, death is a great pity. Guangdong Institute of technology at the earliest 30 APPLEII computer century preserved in 90 's out I had applied for exhibition, but unfortunately also be scrapped. ---Talk about man, Yu Yongquan exclamation of Nan seeXI Zhang Zhao journalist Li Wenjie Zhang Hao trainees who is the earliest Apple fans in mainland China? Because of their special status, Yu Yongquan Apple computers into China's "Introduction", and were lucky enough to be the earliest users of Apple computers. Steve Jobs passed away the next day, he reached Southern Metropolis daily, describes a little-known story. In 1982,Guangdong Institute of technology (Guangdong University of technology) diablo 3 power leveling, spent 300,000 heavily bought 30 Apple computers available to Automation used for scientific research of teachers and students. Yu Yongquan calculation programming with school teachers and students to use it, and use in economic construction, make a great contribution to Guangdong enterprises. "Saying very well: not only as a pure computer science theory, it is moreMuch still needs to be applied to reality. "Yu Yongquan said. Renhua County in fankou lead-zinc mine in Guangdong Province are superlarge Pb-Zn deposits in China, its shaft mining bucket often jams at that time, "a time card once a month. "Yu Yongquan said. At 380 meters deep underground and weighed 7 tons of ore to host 8-tonne ore, once the jams can easily lead to security problems, and each time maintenance is requiredRepairs in time to spend nearly a week, a great impact on production efficiency. Yu Yongquan took about 1 year diablo 3 gold, with the Apple computer program design, invented the "control of shaft mine monitoring system". After you have installed the system in mining area, ore buckets failure rates significantly reduced. In addition, they also used Apple computers to program design, Shunde electronic plant design"Quality inspection system of cables and wires," "electro-plug detection system", "household appliances detection system", and so on the actual widely used inventions in the field. Dialogue "the first wave of Apple hot, the North by truck to pull my book" Reporter (hereinafter written): you choose Mac because when you pop it? Yu Yongquan (hereinafter referred to as Yu): No. Electronics Ministry organized the nationalMany universities abroad to buy a computer for experimental purposes. Many schools have chosen famous greater IBM, and wide is one of the few select colleges of the APPLE II. Remember: buy alternative would Apple get pressure? : When Apple popularity far inferior now, many people query on the introduction of Apple, but this question completely disappears after use. The applesBrain later during use are very stable, and advanced operating system, memory capacity, operation speed, and it's colorful display, the previous computer is black and white screen. Reporter: what it means for the earliest Apple? Yu: 1979 I started to contact Apple computer, can be said to be the earliest use of Apple people. Apple introduced two or three years later, in 1984 and 1985, IAnd co-author of two books relating to the APPLE II, which has been widely used as teaching materials in various colleges and universities. When some school used as teaching materials in the North, is a truck pulling my book. "At that time private can't afford Apple as a young man has used to entertainment" in mind: when Apple computer expensive not expensive? More than: 30 units, all of that is from the United States imports directly, eachPrices of more than 10,000 yuan, more than 300,000 yuan was a large sum. Remember: When did China private purchases of Apple computer? Yu: at that time still relatively lagging behind, computer research studies on small scale into the integrated circuit has just begun, let alone micro-studies. There could be no private purchases, when the computer is generally used in colleges and universities, and is mainly used in research seriesRide. Remember: most consumers now Apple products primarily for entertainment, had a similar experience when you're young you? Yu: we will use Apple computers to do some "should" thing. I also enjoyed playing them, I was still programming made a number of small games, such as anti-aircraft guns hit aircraft and so on, are very popular, it can be said is the first computer games.Note: now you'll select Apple computer? : I have met many brands of computers, Apple is the most stable.

