
November 22

129668527086562500_14Since the tank the world officially announced the launch of the World Championship opener--the Sino-Russian war, since the 22nd open warfare team application, has caused fans of the tanks of the world wide attention. Players through the official forums, the media and approaches such as paste, expressed their own views and recommendations on the Sino-Russian war, strength who is stronger on both sides of these topics is causingPlayers buzz. "Blood released players fight enemy an official call to arms" has players talked about his views on the Sino-Russian contest, it is recommended that the tank can periodically organized international competition in the world, China grass-roots players and teams to compete in the world art. Also there are players that will strongly support the tank the world player of the national costume of team, and hope that they can in RussiaPlayers battle to play great strength to win honour. Certainly some blooded players and teams, official website forum "fight enemy an official call to arms", claiming that "in-situ Westener arrogance was to dress, player names! On the glory, making the country! ���� It can be said that Sino-Russian war imminent war of the tanks of the world, has attracted attention and discussion of numerous players."Sino-Russian League 22nd open enrollment" now, the tanks of the world of global competition has been opened the first--the Sino-Russian war, the player can travel to Russia in the tanks of the World War events page, understand the appropriate event rules, and competed, fighting for race reward of 2 million people and honor! The Sino-Russian war of the tanks of the world have prepared richRacing award, China registration and entry teams each received 200,000 silver coins, preliminary stage the top 4 teams of the North-South area award of 500,000 Denarii per person, finals champion team award of 5,000 gold coins, each finalist Team Award 2000 gold coins per person. Sino-Russian contest phases totals 2 million Gold Award, in accordance with the ranking order (first to fourth), each team in turn obtained1 million, 500,000, 300,000, 200,000 gold coins reward. ����"Game stage, time and place" China application phase: November 22, 2011 at the official website of the tank the world list of topic pages, North and South. China regional contest of stage: December 2011-9th (South), 13-16 day(North District) diablo 3 power leveling, North and South of the tank the world server. ����Through the single knockout system to decide every day 1 detachment into the Chinese District finals, 8 days a total of 8 Brigade (South, North and 4 teams). Chinese District finals: December 2011-21, in the tank in the world, North and South of the server. North and South teams by single elimination tournament to decide the1 team on behalf of the Chinese entered the stage of Sino-Russian friendly match. ����2 teams in the northern region the server decide the champion, first runner-up. And Russia friendly match stage: on December 27 in northern China Unicom servers, both 2 teams to participate in. ����Runner-up of China and Russia runners-up compete for third place, champion of China and Russia champion contending for the Championship. Play country, proud ofFighting reputation! The tank in the world of Russia have shocked world war launched war team application has started. As soon as possible to the tank the World Games official website, understand the relevant event information diablo 3 gold, and pay close attention to time competed at up to 1 million Gold Award and the highest honor you to war! "Editorial: empty cloud" published this post only for the transmission of information, does not mean that agree with their views or confirm the description.

