
000 people will be able to purchase dream day 9

129668732725000000_50Discovered three of the $ beggars on the streets in the urban area: their House, their work, their husband "claim" there are "two against" The Lady in red depend on begging "sandwich" begging the girl Lady Zhao and her "begging" Declaration in people's minds, most beggars in rags, sleeplessnights, relying on handouts of all struggle to get by. However, appeared in the streets of the city is one of House, and to recoverWork, seek her husband's "three against beggars." At about 9 o'clock yesterday, public higher call this when a woman in red Springs, North Avenue day HA garden opposite the sidewalk paving handwritten slogans, by begging realize "three dream." 4 swtor credits,000 people will be able to purchase dream day 9:30 A.M., journalist at the scene from the Red woman that her surname Zhao, 35 years old, graduateHas lived alone since, although there is a monthly income of more than 1000 Yuan job, but except the overheads is gone, the result for the want of a House of her own she, "housing dream" seem unattainable. In begging before buying decision, she was at a friend's House jiezhu, due to a friend's House after House is small, unwilling to give people any trouble from which she chose to move out. However, Ms ZhaoFound that the reality is far from as simple as imagined, adhere to the "home dream" her, and only came up with this approach of street begging Meng. Face of Ms Zhao begging buying practices, one crowd people questioned: "a House at four hundred thousand or five hundred thousand, you are begging to when it is! "Lady Zhao retort:" in xingtai city, there are so many people, as long as there are 4,000 people each donor I 100 Yuan, I will be able to realize their dreams of the purchase! One aunt financed me 50 Yuan yesterday, this is my dream one step closer! "Ms Zhao" begging "Declaration, in addition to any room, and the other two" recovered "," their husband "also merit special attention. Zhao said that one of her current salary levels is very dissatisfied with the monthly drop dailyOverhead left, every month to put up with "Moonlight" pain, so she would like to find a higher wage job. Zhao said that because of their own too picky when I was young, so has not all been in love, marriage has not experienced. Today, there are 35 years old, her desire to found a real love of human life. When the crowd asked if her spouse choosing standards requireWhen there is a room, but she pointed to the "begging" Declaration says, "has written above, as long as love, can be a promise not to lie to me. "Ms Zhao break approaches varying crowd, most of the onlookers who expressed sympathy, but does not support this approach, one of those people named Li Chun, said:" if we all went to beg home buyers, who went to fight,Young people should struggle to realize their dreams on their own, rather than rely on the charity of others to achieve their goals. "The anti-begging home buyer acts contrary to the public of, and some people have expressed support for the MS Zhao practices," a woman can stand House openly declared to the streets begging, courage is worthy of recognition. What's more, now housing prices so high swtor power leveling, Ms Zhao's income level, this approachAlso indeed helpless thing to do. "(Reported by reporter Liu Dongjia) streets of xingtai" begging dream girl "was originally this newspaper a few days ago on the city of Hebei normal university graduates who seek House, their work, their husband," three recovered beggar "in the report. After network reproduced by the report, public and users of buzz, even many people especially went to Lady Zhao "begging" and wishes to see style。 24th journalist views with netizens found Miss Zhao again and found her still stands in his writing "begging Declaration" front, but has more in her "fans", which was also made a special trip by car to come to see "red woman begging" style. Reporters, Zhao Lady stopped and onlookers talking to the people, said to reporters: "the two days are goodSend money to me, and tell me and my boyfriend 's. "When the reporter asked its non-Italian carrier, Ms Zhao could not help but blushed. With the deepening of conversation, reporters learned that, Lady Zhao graduated from Hebei Normal University, could well be a teacher, she for personality reasons, did not select this steady job. Lift that experience, Zhao regret said: "At that time age was too small, does not understand the reality of the brutal, looking back now, really feel that their behavior is childish. "At this point, she will no longer be more, just shaking my head and a wry smile. As a reporter to tell Lady Zhao online content, she does not seem exciting, calmly said: "in fact, there is no way I, provided that where there is not way this way. Phase IHope is not high, as long as theHas not dispersed, can go a long way still hear say laughter from the crowd.

