
because of his areas of research on Biomechanics and mechanics of biology

129668731640468750_61Beihang University doctoral study by woodpeckers may not concussion from its lower beak longer than the upper beak, tongue and bone and skull structure special results can be used in multiple areas to avoid why not concussion injuries Woodpecker? Speaking of this issue, many people remain in the memory of his childhood on the reading of the 100 the old republic power leveling,000 why, but really explain the subtle, is not a few people.However, last month, the success of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Wang Lizhen papers published in the internationally renowned academic journal Plosone, (United States national public library integrated version), from an academic point of view on this issue resolved, causing dozens of international media attention. Wang Lizhen Woodpecker's beak, tongue and skull special structure 3 generousThis explains, and its application prospect in the future.   Reporter had a special interview with her, revealing the experimental process. Study on the causes of woodpeckers to reduce human injuries of Aeronautics and Astronautics Faculty of biological and medical engineering doctoral student Wang Lizhen told a press conference today, because of his areas of research on Biomechanics and mechanics of biology, as early as 2008, her doctoral thesis in the field of research on injuries. Wang Lizhen instructor, school of biological and medical engineering of Beihang University yubo fan: "brain often suffered by woodpeckers, why not combine injury on its research and human? "In yubo fan opinion, Woodpecker pecking a tree brings it head impact far more than theThe impact of human head in the event, and this process is repeated 10,000 times a day.   Woodpecker "safe" should be able to provide mankind with a big revelation, through the exploration of internal reasons, also allows for better understanding human Biomechanics mechanism of injury, improve protection measures. Wang Lizhen adopted a mentor suggested, "why do woodpeckersNot concussion "that it encountered problems in primary schools, eventually became her doctoral dissertation topic.   But Wang Lizhen didn't expect swtor power leveling, from two years after that, their lives completely surrounds the Woodpecker pecking wood that's the moment when expanded. Experiment went about niaoshi to find a broken Woodpecker foreseen by Wang Lizhen and mentors, thesisExperiment of high speed cameras for first recorded a woodpecker pecking wood that's the moment, followed by data analysis, mathematical models in into the computer.   Through the analysis parameters and response, to study the "Woodpecker not concussion" the real mystery. Such a programme, the primary task is to find a true woodpeckers to. Wang Lizhen expectation is that thisIs six months. "Do you want to buy a woodpecker? I'm sorry, I don't have. "From October 2008 to March 2009, Wang Lizhen almost all niaoshi all over Beijing.   Finally, or on the official Park has gone to do not know how many times and found a broken rescued after woodpeckers. Bring back Woodpecker lab, new problems ensuing.Because they do not adapt to new environments, not to mention experiments need to Peck wood, little guy even too lazy to move in a cage. Experiment in the building to the woodpecker, downstairs and my classmates to see fresh.   But Wang Lizhen themselves don't have this feeling, every day from morning till night guard at the side of the cage, for fear of any accidents. At 12 o'clock at night to leave, to 6 in the morning, Wang LizhenLaboratory building and the earliest arrival latest to leave the man. Until two weeks after woodpeckers back to life again, began walking back and forth in the cage. ()

