
the a-share their messageIs the silence

129667786224834142_139A-shares fell three weeks even. While index declines this week 1.37%, but in the winning run after two-week market rally background full of longing, such trend has certainly been some frustration. European debt crisis, short-term difficult to see resolved before dawn, the a-share adjustment is undoubtedly a kind of helpless followed. Rally results reversed most of two weeks in late OctoberRebound index gained 211.02 points, or 9.11%. And even fell in the next three weeks, the Shanghai composite dropped 148.07 points, representing a decrease of 5.86%. It is clear that rebound, blink of an eye three-fourths is fall. Weight units and lose weight unit. After meeting Jin Zeng holds four row diablo 3 gold, weight unit to stabilise the whole market againstStarting point of the bomb, but rebounded at a later time in the process, in the context of money can't loose, weight unit's performance was disappointing. Represents weighted stocks in the stock exchange 100 index rose 221.93 in the initial two-week rally, or 9.44%, after three weeks back 191.83, 86.44% of the fruits of victory has occupied, while in contrast,Representatives and small-cap stocks rose 500 index in the first two weeks of 459.43, or 12.51%, but reversed three weeks 219.77, lost land of only 47.84%, has not yet passed. European debt no dawn shares no positive rebound, as far as the message, is certainly a good and bad-saw process. This week, the a-share their messageIs the silence, it's hard to find a decent good news. At the same time, peripheral market bad news is never interrupted. European debt crisis, Germany to refuse Euro bond proposal, on the other hand the objects themselves have become concerns. From this influence, Europe and the United States market in addition to falling down, from Wednesday to Wednesday, New York s500 index even fell for six days, four-day decline in more than 1%; European Dow Jones Stoxx50 even not counting Friday has even fallen in six days, three days is greater than the decline in 1%, on Monday was down as much as 3.42%. Impacted by this this week, the Hang Seng China enterprises index fell by 4.53%, by contrast, a share is considered resilient. As far as the European debt crisis, whileWhen there are no subprime crisis-Lehman, two rooms and AIG are United States Government took over such a big impact, but to address difficult, but absolutely none in sub-prime crisis. The subprime mortgage crisis diablo 3 power leveling, the main battlefield is, after all, in the United States, as long as the approval of both houses, the Fed started printing presses, large amounts of money invested, and stem the subprime mortgage crisis in the short term burst of systemic risk is a breeze. European debt crisis ledTo many of the eurozone countries are involved, especially the Northern developed countries such as Germany and France and Italy, and Greece conflict between developed countries in the South. Although markets generally believe that "euro bonds" launched can shortly relieve Greece countries financing difficulties caused rapid increase in yields, but Germany and France's indecision in this area, bringing the related issues of pushing impossible as follows the credit crisisSo vigorous and resolute. In the short term, the dawn of the European debt crisis is not resolved, this will significantly increase the uncertainty of the global stock markets. In this context, no positive support of a-shares also left adjust a path. Adjust is selected after the two even share a good time to Yang Yin-lien, the a-share go from here? As far as the technical, without effective prior to hit a new low, notJudging the rally has come to a defeat. If the current rebound is one of the adjustment, it is evident that the top is optional when a share swap. General Rose, rose is not a real Bull shares rebound, led, resilient stocks in adjustment, no doubt more worthy to expect. From Shen 23 level trade index over the past 5 weeks after the performance, food and drink is undoubtedly the most influential industries, two weeks before when the market value rises, The companies gain a 8.79%, not of literariness, three weeks after the market correction it continues up 2.03%; there are many industries rise and resist the falling, such as the restaurant two weeks before the tour up 11.08%, edged down three weeks after 1.37%; utilities gained 11.54% fell slightly after cent; pharmaceutical, biotechnology gained 11.64% fell cent,In addition, information service and information equipment and farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing are also relatively resilient. By contrast, ferrous metal industry is without doubt the worst, two weeks before the rose 7.73%, three weeks after decreased by 7.95%, Trojan instead appear 0.84% 's decline. Industry similar to the five weeks down you down one decrease in financial services and 0.63% of household appliances�� ����In addition, the construction and building materials, transportation also spits out over 80% 's rally, equally weak. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

