
the sixth match point opportunity

129668732754218750_112Lindane save the ball (click to view HD Photo) fenghuangwang sports Beijing time on November 27, 2011 World Badminton China Open Super Series match came to an end, in the final of the men's singles final, although lindane wasted six match point opportunity, but he is still 21:17, Telok OMELCO chenlong beat team-mate to win the Championship, lindane for two weeksGet super Championship, this is his third Super champion this year. Along with the Buchanan winning, getting four on the China Team in the China Open champion. Lindane and chenlong world badminton tournament twice in skirmishes, Buchanan won all three, but their last fight to date back to the 2010 masters in China. Buchanan two WINS this season Super Championship,Chenlong King in three races. Chenlong took two minutes after the beginning of the first Council, Buchanan slowly with setting off two attack waves to 9:4 fanchao. Chenlong score gain on back, Buchanan rapidly back to 11:8 lead into intermission. Back on the field after Lindane continues to control the situation, he is in control of the net well above those for chenlong the old republic power leveling, he firmly leading 21:17 to forestall one ' s opponent by a show of strength. The secondTwo people compete for more intense, from 3 they are entangled until 8, and lindane run two points lead swtor power leveling, following a big bucket of balls balls in front of the net between the two sides, a beautiful network of lindane chenlong wits ' end, 11:8, lindane leading 3 to enter the Council suspended. Chenlong even 3 minutes after the suspended banping two sides again to launch a new tug, consecutive periods on the field. After the 14Chenlong increased number of active faults, his transition diagonal backhand errors, network errors, Buchanan made two points ahead. Opened the gap of lindane take the pace he also strengthened the proactive, twice leaping attack, coupled with a successful network he win 3 points leading 19:14. Chenlong down and giving up, he twice leaping smash winner,From network failures of lindane was 1 minute, he managed to 17:19. Morale winning smash vibration chenlong relies on continuous network opportunities, he decisively jump start killing line, narrow gap between the two sides were down to only 1. Buchanan at a crucial time in the nets for three consecutive attacks before finally scoring his 20:18 got to match point. Lindane NET after the ball errors wasted a match point before, Chenlong lindane play net ball NET score, he managed to recover to 20. Wasted two opportunities of lindane were unaffected, he caused chenlong passive save the ball leaping smash, he promptly threw herself a beat on score, get the third match point. Unfortunately, Buchanan again after a mistake to waste the opportunity, war between the two sides into 21. Rely on one head attached to a straight line, Buchanan got the fourth tournamentPoints, then drop-shot errors, 22. Chenlong returns some high, lindane pop-up killing line score, get the fifth match point. This once, chenlong have come through the crisis, was rescued by Buchanan first a shot of leaping to kill a slash, then take off again to kill the diagonals, Buchanan failed to save the ball, 23. Both Buchanan split hanging after a touchdown, the sixth match point opportunity, but he is still unsureTo live in. Slightly impatient lindane pop-up killing slash out-of-bounds, chenlong 24 flat. After chenlongfang out, he gave Buchanan the seventh match point. This finally got hold of lindane, he used on nets chenlong playback after halftime Golf, directly under the head line score of lindane, 26:24, his hard won the second to win 2:0 win. The men's singlesRace conducted a total of 47 minutes, kill scores of lindane 16:15 lead net ball 15:7-dominated.

