
to the later guozu series of games toAnd Guo an team competitions

129668763059531250_70Aeration Zhi upsurge of the top paid only 2 million national security team to buy abroad Yesterday, there have been reports in the new Super Fuli buy international Zhi Club, but was refused by Beijing Guoan Club. However, Guangzhou Fuli does not give up, is still trying to contact Zhi. The news of the country Beijing fans Zhi's fate to become by far the most concern, an important event is the most anxious. Wants to marry abroad actually starts from the last season of the rich, ultra-upstart in Guangzhou evergrande (ClubOfficial Twitter) has been focused on Zhi, but ultimately failed. This season of another real estate big brothers to do the background Guangzhou Fuli punching after successful Ultra, to achieve the localization strategy of Guangzhou, at the same time compete with constant, Guangzhou Fuli born abroad Guangzhou Zhi listed at the top of the list of foreign aid. Beijing guoandui successfully rebuffed last year in the Guangzhou evergrande (Club official microblogging), thisGuangzhou Fuli years can withstand shocks, which is of most concern to Beijing fans events. Guo an team goal this season, 17 4 less than champions evergrande, which is famous for its steady goalkeeper Zhi cannot be left unrecognized. For next year, aiming to advance in three of Guangzhou Fuli, Zhi on the pitch is far more important than the identity of nationality in Guangdong. On Guo an team, good doorTop-half team, Zhi is one of the Paceco indispensable core of next year. Climax Club General Manager said, "wants to dig Zhi's super clubs more than r, but in the talent contest, Guoan Club have the confidence to win. "National security Rhonin, Honorary Chairman, made it clear that left to Zhi. He said: "we very much appreciate the skill of Zhi and character I Zhi continuedAbout confidence very feet. "But the national security Club in order to retain Zhi, Zhi salary increases are inevitable for the next season. According to insiders revealed that Zhi's total revenue of more than 2 million, although this was the highest in the guoandui, but with the Guangzhou evergrande, Guangzhou Fuli, Shandong Luneng (official micro-blogging) in this super Giants compared to Zhi income only in hyper-upper intermediate level. This year's constantMain players in a season's total income, the rough equivalent of Super players two or three other clubs in season earnings, this shock effect is causing the super teams in international level major players generally expected salary increase for the next season the Club, rose about millions of Yuan. In 2009, after the end of the season, Guoan Club and Zhi Mesozoic player signed for a period of 3 years of work, such asThe same, Zhi now one year contract left. Latest transfer according to the China Football Association, a "Club and player contracts prior to the expiration of 6 months, must be negotiated with the players is renewed, if he does not intend to renew their contracts, the player has the right to contact with other clubs and seeking to transfer. "This means that national security in order to retain Zhi, must be completed before the end of June next year to renew their contracts. If in the next 7Within a month, Guo an team Zhi could not be completed to renew, then one month after the opening of the winter transfer window and during the summer transfer window in June next year, others wanted to dig Zhi Club, completely taking advantage. Fuli Giants Super Club is seen in this kind of opportunity to play Zhi's idea. Liquidated damages are not obstacles to it is learnt that the Fuli depart for Zhi qianwanjiOffer, then the fee is calculated? Super start in the season free transfer policy, players transfer to another Club, first after the player agreed, followed by the two clubs negotiate, the final transfer fee is the result of players as well as the two clubs tripartite discussions, reference of the transfer fee is based on the players and the Club signed a work contractThe liquidated damages amount. If a player wants to advance left the Club, then his live work clubs to pay players and the Club liquidated damages in the contract. After the end of the 2009 season swtor power leveling, Zhi signed a work contract with national security breach damages at more than million dollars. Buy Zhi Fuli, although the price quoted by more than 15 million, but still withClub assessment of Zhi more distant. Previously Guangzhou evergrande in discussion with the Liao foot international Yu Hanchao's transfer fee, evergrande bids is 15 million, and Liao foot counteroffer is 30 million, to Zhi's fame and ability said that Guangzhou Fuli's 15 million bid, of course, is not attractive. However, Hao transfer Guangzhou evergrande situation last season, are nowChina Zhi of issues, national Club also facing a brain drain, lose both men and money crisis. Smooth and if national security over the next renewal of Zhi, it was the best result. If the new season starts swtor credits, national security has not yet completed and Zhi to renew, then this will directly affect the Zhi's performance of the season. But now national security troubles out of the Club in a player worth "inflation" speedOn the degree. At the end of the 2009 season, player transfer fee set out in the Chinese Football Association CAP costs just 5 million, thus national security with Zhi signed a work contract amount of liquidated damages set at qianwanji level. But did not expect the Guangzhou evergrande stronger after entering the Super, greatly enhanced super international-level players worth "inflation" speed, to the development of today, 10 million is a popular internationalLevel of player transfer fee starting price, Zhi of tens of millions of liquidated damages for now transfer fee than average, are less expensive. Guangzhou Fuli hard if Rob, Zhi and wants to go, then the future development of the situation is really hard to say. Parties not stand this year is the hardest season Zhi career, from the beginning of the Asian Cup, to the later guozu series of games toAnd Guo an team competitions, there was little respite Zhi, but so busy season task didn't overwhelm him, it is even more highlighted Zhi worthy of the title of Chinese football goalkeeper of the first people today, that's why there are so many super clubs look to Zhi in reason. Zhi is from Guangzhou, but get married in Beijing he had, the effect of Beijing Guoan football club 7 years in heThe city and, Beijing Guoan Club fans also forged a deep affection. In national security should be his favoured choice, but we can say is the only choice, because Zhi's still not clear about the future. For the Giants threw Zhi of the olive branch, climax Guoan Club General Manager said: "national security Club in accordance with the professional way to do with ZhiRenewal of work. "Zhi was national coach called upon to have to leave the main players Dani Pacheco, to mark out the year after winning the national Club, Paceco Zhi should have to be paired with championship team one of the officers. It is worth mentioning is that national security this year the Club experienced a significant change in affiliation, the Club became a secondary subsidiary of CITIC group straight tube, whichWorking capital in the future will be on greater support of CITIC group. Zhi is free to go or stay, depending on the Zhi I, depends more on national security Club attitudes towards the key talent. Reporter Chen win

