
and the good night

129838018897031250_71The music together with Liu Xuefeng: very nice, very understand The music together with Liu Xuefeng Liu Xuefeng s. (Text/Wu min) "People say the text stops when the music started, and now sometimes we are forced to, in turn diablo 3 power leveling, to do snow Maple can be as good as the music show with a text, it is difficult to sth" Bai Yansong evaluation Liu Xuefeng classical music lovers in Peking University Press launches "and Liu Xuefeng together listening to music”。 The family of five: the Maiocca night of passion, and the sound is too heavy for the light, the secret of Chopin, and the good night! Knights of the Rose! And the pop up of Handel, 2000 years later the author of critical reviews about a book, this are Liu Xuefeng reviews in recent years: a summary and review, is also a good Gospel Philharmonic. Music review of Liu Xuefeng heTheir characteristics, and school of music criticism to composers and works to discuss different genres, styles, and "listening experience" as the Center. This music review of different academic styles of music lover who has a great relationship with him. Liu Xuefeng love of classical music from the late start of the cultural revolution, middle school age on Wagner's Tristan and Isolde, Prelude and "Love "the death of panegyric, go to Peking University, although in the history of after school, but for the love of classical music also is to be the first cause of his life. And love of classical music and now has over more than 30 years, from the United Kingdom the Gramophone magazine (Chinese) editor, editor in Chief of the journal Philharmonic, Liu Xuefeng slowly grew into one of China's most famous classical music critics.Liu Xuefeng almost intact the record of spectrum, his album versions and rich knowledge of the collection, is the leader of our time. Version for classical music have been important? Liu Xuefeng beneficiaries in the d version of the words in the article says, "those who mentioned version of disdain with the focus on music itself, only Beethoven did not know rich-text or onlyFoote did not know of Sergiu Celibidache, they can't really understand music, absolutely unable to feel the real charm of music ". Friend of Liu Xuefeng famous CCTV host Bai Yansong on this note, he said: "the version that I have confidence in the future of Symphony. All have been played, are classic, then play can also be a good version. DifferentVersion in my opinion is something different, like the movement of Chinese football and world football is not the same as. "And unlike most music connoisseur is, Liu Xuefeng field at home and abroad to the numerous concerts and opera performances from best to worst, Liu Xuefeng loves music, according to a year to be heard in the time and date of the concert for clues, arranged travel," travelI was a foot away. " Travel to Liu Xuefeng, lifetime is from one room to another room for a period of time www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, and live concert performances for the series each time travel of the main line. Shenyang Conservatory of music Professor Xiaojun Li said Liu Xuefeng "roughly represents the highest level of Chinese date site reviews", "he's on a show, one album, a workVersion choices, as well as comments on a musician or performer, has the best of both objective and impartial and argument clear, subjective judgment, catharsis and rational thinking of passion, made a lovely balance between the three, narrative ways yet so clear and easy to understand, and melodious ". Classical music in a sense is a necessity of life, the timeless music lead the humans increased byAnd Liu Xuefeng reviews will undoubtedly be our foothold in the music lover in the age of the best way to discover the beauty of classical music people.

not rated

129836519532187500_148 <a href="http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3">diablo 3 power leveling</a>Oriental securities: investment opportunities arising from the expected iPhone5 (stock-pickers) Investment strategy and recommendations: our iPhone supply chain-related companies in the a-share Combs, mainly in the following 6 companies: songs, acoustics, electro-acoustic, a total of desay battery, Central electronics, Fu ' anjie tech, jinli technology. IPhone business contribution to revenue and profit levels for listed companies, we expect the song, acoustic and desay batteries have a higher totalElectro-acoustic and ring XL electronic medium, and lower An Jie technology and John c. McGinley technology. Expected benefits from the iPhone5, large-scale stock production to begin in the third quarter read more, it is recommended that concerned in this process are expected to benefit from the larger desay battery (not rated), the song acoustic (not rated) and ring XL electronic (not rated).

Is not in a central market offers in the near future. Traders said on Thursday

129836519649687500_382CITIC building cast: Shanghai rubber lower low-22,000 point is at stake According to Bangkok on June 8, Thailand USS3 spot price for rubber fell to 90.5 per cent baht per kg on Friday, 92.29-92.88 baht on Thursday, and TOCOM rubber fell, because the Fed does not give a hint of launching the next round of quantitative easing. Thailand a trader said, low delivery volume, due to rubber plantations Organization (REO) Is not in a central market offers in the near future. Traders said on Thursday, to meet the order requirements under high domestic prices, Thailand exporter TOCOM May glue in the period after the expiration of the Exchange to buy about 300 tons of rubber. Wongbundit Co. traders Ltd Pongsak Kerdwongbundit said: "the May contractAfter expiration, only a limited number of TOCOM rubber was bought, but I expected June this number will increase significantly, when the Japan rubber stocks will fall sharply. "Bangkok, June 7, due to strong rains blocked supply, Thailand rubber ship postponed for the second time this year, pushing some exporters from the Tokyo Exchange rubber imports of industrial products to fulfill the contract. PTAThe spot market is dull, markets Taiwan near the sources quote $ 940-945/ton, manufacturers in the lower bid price at around $ 930/ton, the actual negotiating prices at around $ 930-940/ton. Korea cargo offer price around $ 930/ton, manufacturers in the lower bid price at $ 910/t near the actual negotiating prices at 915-920Yuan/tons. Producers said PTA current external factors are not steady, its also facing surplus. Petrochemical 1.4 million tonnes of new equipment has been opened in the far East, Tong Kun 1.5 million tons of new capacity in the past two months to launch. Lost cost support read more, PTA prices may hit $ 300-$ 400, short-term rally more difficult. "The next PTA anti-Play key is the macro fundamentals is not too much good, if domestic and international macro-surface improvements will lead to rebound in PX, so from the cost side to promote PTA prices rise. "Operation proposal announced yesterday the Central Bank rate cut news, but the market is still weak, rubber continued to lower low today view my site here, rubber will also further hit in the near future, $ 22,000 mark is precariousPrecarious and future rebound needed macro-surface warming. PTA vulnerable without continued downward reduction, customs today test the 7,000 integer support, Outlook can point up to 7,000 loss intervention.

competition teamsDon't remain at 0.5 higher high water and 0/0.5 water

129838042562187500_82Europe Cup Guide: low-loss high-water, cross game, or the tone Previous competitions there is always a tone, 2 match day can usually see about. As soon as possible to find the tone and trend very crucial points in the contest. A group of the first round, Poland under the heat was almost lost, eventually a draw both teams can be accepted, Eastern European civil war Russia Wansheng of Czech Republic. From stock-trading, compared to the two wars Poland heat is clearly much higher than Russia, competition teamsDon't remain at 0.5 higher high water and 0/0.5 water, under the results out of the 1 on 1, 1 small 1 large size ball issued. Finished morning show and cross-game, this is a preliminary judgment, if the 2nd match day game similar to, you can basically set the tone on the bold. Group c (Spain VS Italy, and Croatia VS Ireland) and d (France VS England,Ukraine VS Sweden) first round 4 games, from looking at the sign face is absolutely meaning 55 waves. From Indonesia's main Asian distribution, Spain 0.5/1 Premium 2.08, Croatia 0/0.5 premium 2.01, France 0/0.5 premium 2.13 www.powerleveling.us, Ukraine 0/0.5 premium 2.16, 4 games of low lost KatakiyoColor is high water. Distribution of first round of two groups of Asia and a group similar to the first round, objectively likely to cross game. Once the Group b first round was also a crossover game, then the Group c and group d first round Lottery buyer buys may wish to watch morning show game, then waiting out evening not later than. Ball size, size of the group a first round 2 games ball index is 2, results day 1 1. Worthy of attention is, Course of action before the match is not to big ball, AR Poland battle Indonesia's main index size ball from big ball 2 was low in the water back to a big ball 1.5/2 Hyper-low water, Russia from world war I low water into a big ball in the big ball 2, super high water closed. Group c and group d 4 war, apart from Ukraine VS Sweden index outside the 2/2.5 world war I, 3 2 index, the overallBouncers at least not lose. Debut in front of 3 Eastern Europe team won 1, lost 2, the rest of Croatia and Ukraine were 0/0.5, performance is also affected by hot official site, recommended not to join, the current European Cup, Eastern European team has home advantage might be more suspicious.

Mac Pro update also dates back to the last time in 2010

129836407523437500_110WWDC2012 various predictions and rumors before the ultimate summary Monday Apple Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC to be held at Moscone Center in San Francisco 2012. This WWDC Apple will release a new version on Mac, release iOS 6. Crazy analysts even believe that we will see on the WWDC Apple all feature TV and next generation iPhone. In any case click here, let us count theSome rumor or prediction or true or false! Will definitely release: new Ivy Bridge carried processor Mac computers: all Mac computers to be published on the WWDC latest 22nm Ivy Bridge will carry the Intel processor. Ivy Bridge currently suitable for laptop and desktop processors have madeCloth, suitable for low-voltage version of the IVB processor in the MacBook Air has also been published. New ultra thin MacBook Pro: Apple is likely posted on at this year's WWDC ultrathin MacBook Pro, this product will remove the optical drive and use SSD solid state hard drive. Mac with USB 3 interface: the new IvNative support for USB 3 y Bridge processors, which will surely means Apple Mac computer with USB 3 interface. IOS 6 released: on last year's WWDC, Apple has released iOS 5. This year will be no exception, iOS 6 application using Apple developed a map and should upgrade all preloadWith quality. We may also see deep integration of Facebook, improve Siri and other new features. Mountain Lion 10.8 release time: Mountain Lion next generation OS x system will be released this summer, at this year's WWDC Apple will certainly give the Mountain LioN specific release date. Mac Pro product line for upgrades: Mac Pro update also dates back to the last time in 2010, but it seems that Apple does not give up the Mac Pro product line. For video, audio and image professionals, Mac Pro is very important. A few days ago, the new Mac Pro models and detailed distributionReset has been leaked. This means Mac Pro must be published on the WWDC this year diablo 3 power leveling, the new Mac Pro Xeon E5 series will carry the Intel Xeon processor, with Thunderbolt and USB 3 interface. Very likely to be released: Mac computers equipped with Retina display: OS xPrior to support ultra high resolution display, this year, the news that Apple will release Mac computers equipped with Retina display. The entry level MacBook Pro: the new 15-inch MacBook Pro would be published on the WWDC this year, but entry level 13 inch in on this year's WWDC will meet with you does not know whether the�� Support the Thunderbolt of the Retina display: If the Apple Mac computers equipped with Retina display, the Thunderbolt of publishing support Retina display is also necessary, because the Mac mini and Mac Pro monitors must be used for proper use. Although users canTo select the other monitor, but you cannot use Retian display definitely not what Apple wants. Equipped with Thunderbolt or external optical drive USB 3 interface: If your MacBook Pro to remove the optical drive, Apple will release an external optical drive, an external optical drive for this year may be equipped with ThunderbolT or USB 3 interface. New version of the iCloud: Apple WWDC last year posted iCloud on cloud services, a few weeks ago, news from the Wall Street Journal said this year Apple will launch a new version of iCloud, iCloud version will support sharing photos feature and supports synchronized video. May release: new Apple tV operating system: there are rumors that Apple will released in WWDC brand new Apple TV OS can run the application, it is published later this year in order to allow developers to prepare for a fully functional Apple TV. News that Apple will release a new remote control peripherals. IPhone 5 release: many people think that the next generation iPhoneReleased in September or October of this year, but if Apple the iPhone screen size to 4 inches, then Apple on WWDC should notify the developers prepare for the 4-inch screen. Certainly not released: Apple released full HDTV: analyst Peter Misek thinks Apple will post a full feature on this year's WWDC Apple HDTV product, but supply chain does not have any information on the Apple HDTV, if Apple are officially available for this product at the end of this year, so now on production is essential. IPad mini: iPad mini rumor was very much, we can see that after a very ugly design iPad mini spy photos. ButApple will not release this product at the WWDC.


200 kilometres with a total investment of about $ 159 billion

129836519674531250_432PetroChina Xinjiang 245 billion to build coal-gas production base Coal resources can be converted to natural gas quality, convenient transportation. At present, the China petrochemical investment of 245 billion dollars "coal-gas transportation pipeline project" settled in the high-tech district of Urumqi (address). On June 6, City newspaper reporters from the high-tech zone, Urumqi, Xinjiang (replanning) informed that on June 5, the China petrochemical of Xinjiang coal transportation of natural gas pipeline coCompanies and high-tech district of Urumqi (replanning) strategic cooperation agreement signed in Beijing. The project will be the world's leading equipment and advanced technology, high quality and abundant coal resources in Xinjiang translation to facilitate the transport of coal and natural gas, will create the world's largest and highest conversion efficiency of Xinjiang coal-gas production base. According to reports, China petrochemical "of Xinjiang coalNatural gas export pipeline project "is a key aid Xinjiang project of Sinopec. Total investment for the project is $ 245 billion, new most of Guangdong and Zhejiang two pipes and new robust pipeline, which the new Guangdong, Zhejiang and pipe line 8,200 kilometres with a total investment of about $ 159 billion; new robust pipeline route is 4 www.powerleveling.us,400 kilometers long, project total investment of 86 billion yuan. After the project is completed and put into use view my site here,Design of total 60 billion cubic meters of gas per year, to form sales tax $ 1 billion/year, $ 3.5 billion/year income tax. Project in Xinjiang's fiscal contributions, as well as stimulate local employment and will also "East coal gas project" and coal gas project in Xinjiang's largest energy company products transportation provide a dedicated channel. "Outside the Xinjiang coal gas pipeline project headquarters"Upon completion, will become the country's petrochemical, gas, pipeline transportation, logistics, and collection of senior professional and technical personnel, and assuming China coal-gas export pipeline projects face the nation, set strategic planning, command and control, training, management of scientific research, manpower and logistics, and so many functions in one, for China coal gas pipeline project provides comprehensive support baseEarth, Sinopec coal gas pipeline project "nerve centers".

deposit not to cut interest rates rise. Now the banks in order to seize the customer resource

129838017165781250_3Banks high interest rates put storage experts say has helped to advance the interest rate marketization According to the voice of the press reported the evening peak, previously announced a rate cut by the Central Bank at the same time the first time to allow floating deposit interest rates, bank deposit rate adjustment "camp differentiation", an interview with journalists in the number of banks in Henan province found that public deposits can also shop around in the future, banks get stored by "Running out of time" to "State". Bank deposits can also shop around the Tang Lady Zhengzhou is a foodCorporate finance, as required or periodic deposits, interest rate changes is very sensitive to her. Recently heard that the Central Bank issued a rate cut news, went to the Bank made by Tang: Madam Deng: we need term deposits, doesn't matter which of the previously saved to? (One-year) rates is 3.5. Deposit interest has changed now, like a year transferred to the Bank of Zhengzhou 3.575, CCB was 3.5 unchanged. We are considering is not high interest rates to keep money out of the Bank. More with less interest than before. On June 8, the fall in people's Bank of China announced the RMB benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions. Financial institutions benchmark one-year deposit rate 0.25%, one-year benchmark lending rate by 0.25%; other grade benchmark deposit and lending interest rates and housing Provident Fund deposit and lending interest rates adjusted accordingly. At the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times, financial institutions to adjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate. Number of bank deposit interest rates, "a float to the top" message came out,Includes industrial and commercial bank of China, the agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of communications, as well as several State-owned banks, postal savings banks "action", will cut interest rates after a one-year deposit rate rising from 3.25% per cent. From looking at the amount, still maintained a rate cut before the deposit rates. Floating less than with the State-owned bank, Zhengzhou of Henan local bank, LosYang, banks are more "aggressive", according to Central Bank regulations limit, deposit rates at all levels, "a float to the top." Bank staff told a press conference in Zhengzhou click here, from June 8 to deposit rates to highest point of space. At the same time, Industrial Bank http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, Guangdong Development Bank, joint-stock-listed banks raised deposit rates to highest. That is to say, for saversIn the future can "shop around" select Bank; banks, the Central Bank raised its deposit rate cap, and reduced loan interest rates lower, means that the rate cut is essentially an asymmetric cut interest rates, this has to a certain extent, increasing the pressure on banks to attract savings. Expert: an important step of marketization of interest rate when you said to reporters in deposited large sums of cash, aState-owned bank's staff immediately seized the opportunity to sell financial products. In fact, this rate cut was the monetary policy of the Central Bank cut interest rates for the first time since the turn, economists generally agreed that the Central Bank rate cut shows the policy determination of stable growth. For China's economic growth rate continued to drop, to stimulate the economy stabilising effect at an early date. Financial School of Zhengzhou University teachingGrant Song Xiaoling: from a macroeconomic point of view, will have a positive impact on promoting investment and economic development. Negative impact on the surrounding economy and the economic downturn, in addition to the introduction of monetary policy, also to introduce combination with fiscal policy adjustments. The deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions, release the deposit rate cap space for the first time, is generally seen as it is interest rate in the industryAn important step, restart the reform process. Some experts even predicted that the meaning of relaxation rate float space even larger than a rate cut. Henan University of Economics and Law Institute of finance Deputy Director Zhao Zijian: if allowed to float 10%, deposit not to cut interest rates rise. Now the banks in order to seize the customer resource, most likely will not decrease, native to the increase of interest rate marketizationIs on the level of management and administration of its own challenges, will gradually push the banks to the market in a competitive environment through price adjustments, forced him to have to strengthen its management improve.

[scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries

129836519594843750_268Long-term capital signs strategic positions Yesterday the two cities the market advance, down all the way, ultimately, both fell in after-hours, the two cities were sold for $ 113.89 billion, compared to slightly zoom in on Wednesday, but the amount of net outflow of funds has decreased slightly. According to wisdom SuperView display, large outflows of 2.005 billion yuan of the two cities yesterday. On Wednesday, the two large outflows of 30.7$ 600 million. Note as the index fell, selling pressure has slowed. Also stock flow data support. Yesterday more than two cities there are more than 900 net inflows, net inflows of extra millions of shares of 42, outflows of hyper-thousands of stocks reached 87. Apparently, money big reduction is still strong, but this trend seems to be slowing. Because in thisOn Wednesday, only the two cities over more than 800 net inflows, net inflows of extra millions of shares of 30, but outflows of extra millions of shares of 113. Comparison of these data demonstrate the selling pressure in the market slowed, increased efforts to undertake. Short energy comes mainly from non-ferrous metals, chemical fiber, machinery, engineering, construction, coal oil plate. Among them, coloredOutflows of the first metal plates, a net outflow of $ 451 million, net out of the largest stocks of baotou steel rare earth tungsten industry, Xiamen tungsten industry www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, Zhang Yuan, respectively a net outflow of $ 107 million, $ 71 million, $ 51 million. Chemical fiber sector ranks second in the net outflow of funds, a net outflow of $ 394 million, net outflow of the largest unit of sky, HTC, Liu of shares of new material,Respectively, the net outflow of $ 128 million and $ 54 million,-$ 19 million. Machinery sector a net outflow of $ 182 million, largest shares for shares, the net outflow saixiang technology, ship shares, respectively, the net outflow of $ 18 million, $ 15 million and $ 14 million. However, real estate, banking, steel, electricity, water supply, gas supply stocks funds gallonSituation. Among them, power sector fund net inflow in the first place, a net inflow of $ 134 million, net flow into the largest stocks of State power, China power international, Datang power generation, a net inflow of $ 44 million, respectively, and $ 26 million and $ 21 million. The real estate sector ranks second in the net inflow of funds view my site here, a net inflow of $ 107 million, largest Doran share of inflows, poly real estateGold group, respectively a net inflow of $ 68 million, $ 55 million, $ 17 million. Banking sector net inflows of $ 80 million, a net inflow of unit for Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank, the largest bank, respectively, a net inflow of $ 54 million, $ 43 million and $ 25 million. Thus, banks underestimate the value of variety, such as funding moderate gallon,Bank stocks and a weight unit, popularity index stocks and shares, such a buying force enhancement, shows the market stabilises the expected strong. Therefore, long-term capital to sign deal on the left, characteristics of strategic positions begin to emerge, such as the quality of Guizhou maotai, yanghe share, Oriental garden variety, such as local Shenzhen Hualian themes share holdings, investment real estate, Shenzhen energy.[Scroll] hengbang shares enjoy high performance thickening 12% corporate tax breaks last year (06-08) [scroll] United States April trade deficit fell to $ 50.1 billion (06-08) [scroll] experts say is accelerating regional economic integration in East Asia and ASEAN (06-082:41) [scroll] sunny accommodation $ 55 million loan will run until December 7 (06-08) [scroll] nine doors to be closed 93 substandard pig slaughtering plant (06-08) [scroll] said the European Commission may at any time and rescue Spain Bank (06-08:38) [scroll] total assets of the banking industry 105 trillion at the end of last year six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] resignation of Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree formulation increases raise no more than 1.73 billion yuan from 11th on resumption of(06-08) [Scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator: regulation of over-the-counter derivatives into the new capital framework(06-08) [Scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell (0.24%21:34) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-080) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the fall in oil prices below market expectations cause (06-082) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales May increase 3.3% (06-081:07) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-0820:55) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08)[Scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: Chinese rate cut delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] Wharf:Investment in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to dateSales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] in Chongqing1200 poor farmers will choose poverty reduction project (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Boost sales limitedGreen City Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financeBy] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from LiuBrand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as the United StatesThe Federal Reserve System

[scroll] experts believe

129836519616562500_313Four even Yang experts recorded in the dollar/Yen will rebound to 80.1 With Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is not mentioned in the testimonies QE3, supporting the dollar/US dollar overnight hit two-week highs 79.78. On Friday (June 8) in Asia, the dollar/Yen high shock, after the currency reached highs 79.74 withdraw to 79.55, currently trading near 79.65. Analysts say the dollar/Yen shortThe upward path, from the technical point of view, room for further rise in the exchange value of the indicator, and stand on the overnight high of 79.78. Exchange rate is expected to rebound to 80.1. If the exchange rate continued to rebound, the resistance is located, 79.8 and 80.3; support at 79.55 read more, and 78.8. Beijing 8:50 www.powerleveling.us, United StatesYuan/yen 79.65/68. [Scroll] on June 8, 2012 financial news list (06-08) [scroll] hengbang shares enjoy high performance thickening 12% corporate tax breaks last year (06-08) [scroll] built 85,200 B5 motorcycle sales20.7% per cent drop (06-08) [scroll] Chang May sell 140,000 vehicles per cent increase 13.3% (06-08) [scroll] 17.6% Faw xiali May sales of 16,000 vehicles per cent drop (06-08) [scroll] United States 4Monthly trade deficit fell to $ 50.1 billion (06-08) [scroll] experts believe: ASEAN and East Asia are speeding up regional economic integration (06-08) [scroll] sunny accommodation $ 55 million loan will run until December 7 (06-08) [scroll] nine doorsIntends to close unqualified 93 pig slaughter house (06-08) [scroll] said the European Commission may at any time and rescue Spain banking (06-08) [scroll] total assets of the banking industry 105 trillion at the end of last year six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] Zhujiang steelQin Wang Runpei, Chairman resign company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree formulation increases raise no more than 1.73 billion yuan on resumption from the 11th (06-08) [scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [rollingFixed] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll]United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll] Guangdong, 93rdGasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil pricesMing has effected to reduce costs is a priority (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group retreatJianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: automotiveLiquefied petroleum gas prices drop 3 cents in retail (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll] per litre of gasoline, 93rd, Beijing fell to$ 7.64 (06-08) [scroll]IMF: Chinese rate cut delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of the emerald in the air says it will not withdraw from(06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08), gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | OilOr continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell oneself self-help"Placing the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: reorganization of units involved insider trading of listed companiesShall suspend the restructuring [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] Regal dating activities of interest to light $ 40,000 spare cashFinance pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

Samsung Electronics Korea Deputy Director puzai Chun as President for greater China

129836407500625000_60Many electronic Giants replaced the Chinese market this year top In the context of a global economic recovery is weak, China international electronic market growing more and more attention of transnational giants. After giants such as Nokia, Sony, Samsung Electronics has announced in recent days replacing the President for greater China, appointed duct Korea business Vice President puzai Chun as President for greater China. Duct before Jin Rongxia business in China will return to other positions in the company. InIt seems to the outside world, Samsung Electronics is to focus more on business performance in China. TV 33% Star e-2012 years of business in China dropped by nearly a quarter reported, its operating profit to 5.85 trillion won (about US $ 5.15 billion), an increase of nearly 1 time. Samsung Electronics telecommunication sector operating profit of 4.27 trillion won in the first quarter, an increase of nearly twice times,Make 73% of the company's operating profit, mobile phone shipments to more than 90 million. But behind the overall performance, eye-catching, in terms of value of Samsung TV, Samsung Electronics in the greater China region are ideal. According to monitoring data from Ekon view my site here, ending April 2012, Samsung TV all decline in retail sales in China up to 27.62%, primary market decline 29.59%, secondary market dropped 26.34%, third market decline 22.84%, four-stage market decline in the maximum, up to 36.17%. Industry forecasts, this time for handsome big reason may be the TV business expressing dissatisfaction of the companies on the mainland market. Look Park contains Sun-curriculum vitae, it was Korea businessBefore the Vice President of Samsung Electronics, from 2006 to 2009, their positions at the company's Managing Director in charge of marketing in North America, is Samsung Electronics in North American TV market, reversing more than Japanese brands such as Sony, under WINS United States market the main hero. Samsung China has said puzai Pudong overseas experience will help boost performance in China. Marginalized area whiteYu Puzai chun, apart from to shoulder shoulder the task of reviving the TV business, also face white series "marginal" problems. Ekon published in the latest issue of air conditioning in the retail market monitoring report, monitoring of all 25 air conditioner brands, market volume only 0.01% sharp air conditioner, the market volume for LG air conditioner 0.05% has only monitored, butFigure but did not see Samsung air conditioner. It is learnt that a monitoring system of air conditioning brands have not been monitored, mainly the company's retail market is too small, was incorporated into "other" entry in the unified computing. Ekon another statistics show that as of the end of March 2012, Samsung refrigerator than just 2.17% 's retail market share, while the top of the firstHaier refrigerator is 29.34%. Also, Samsung refrigerator retail per cent decline of up to 33.34%. Samsung washing machine market accounted for sales of more than just 1.84%, fell as much as 33.53%, ranked only 11th place. China Business Association Marketing Committee Vice Chairman Hong Shibin believes that Samsung Electronics in ChinaDefeat problem, not as handsome to solve, but to address its strategies and tactics, marketing, brand and product integration with the customers wait a few layers of skin problems. May be based on the overall strategic considerations, or it may be no coincidence that diablo 3 power leveling, amid heated discussions Samsung China how to revive the home appliance business in the future, the company seems to have made a strategic choice. According to media reports, Samsung in China onlyA air conditioning production factory air conditioning--Suzhou base have all been discontinued, means that Samsung air conditioner is bidding farewell to China market. In this regard, Samsung Electronics new letters to reporters yesterday, Samsung Electronics has not revoked air-condioner production line, production unchanged. According to the Chinese market, Samsung air conditioner operation strategy of the future will focus on high-end and commercial air conditioning. Provided by Samsung ElectronicsService does not change. The Giants play "for smart card" is worthy of mention, Samsung was not since the beginning of this year, first replace the head of China's transnational giants. Until then, Gu Sihua, head of Nokia's new China officially took control on January 1, March 20, Nokia Siemens Networks (hereinafter referred to as "NSN") announced that the original greater China CEO Zhang ZhiqiangDecided to leave "NSN", their position by the customer operations head of greater China Ma Boce took over on March 27, Sony (China) Limited announced that the original Japan Kurita, President of Sony marketing companies reach tree will take over Sony (China), LLC. Although each situation is different, but behind major companies for handsome, holds attention on the Chinese market. Sony's newPresident and Chief Executive pingjingyifu said, "the Chinese market is very important to Sony's next strategic, so need to know marketing people to control, Sony can get rid of the huge losses, a degree of discretion in the China market. "Since the beginning of this year, the global electronics giant to replace the high time new the company Nokia in China on January 1Gu Sihua served as Vice President of Nokia's global, Nokia, head of China on March 20 the customer operations head of greater China Ma Boce took over as President of greater China China on March 27 of the original Siemens Sony Sony marketing (Japan), President of Kurita trees extending as the Sony (China), President of HP China May 31 associate Gao GuanyiHui became HP China printing and information products group (PPS) China's recently appointed General Manager, Samsung Electronics Korea Deputy Director puzai Chun as President for greater China, based on publicly available data


06-10 Rift CD-key 06-10 - OUOH

129838017172968750_18Country garden accelerated push 2 billion intervention intends to slightly increase the price of domestic penetration markets NetEase finance, June 10 May strength in the housing market stimulus, Beijing, Shanghai and other individual real estate market in the near future take advantage of rising prices. NetEase finance from a country garden project in Huizhou were briefed on a new phase II June garden volume market of the project will have more than 2 billion, over more than 4,000 sets of units and the price rose or small. Accelerated push total $ 2 billion market this year May GreenGarden results fell very 20% Rift CD-key, accelerated push cargo is a must. It is learnt that the Huizhou ten miles Silver Beach as one of the flagship country garden project, country garden tourism property project of its first building, causing concern in the industry, projects still scheduled mass market this year, its volume of 2 billion yuan, more than more than 4,000 units. It is reported that in July last year, the first phase of the projectVolume as high as more than 6,000 sets of launch, Digest more than more than 4,000, hardcover Hill House is about 5500-6000 Yuan/square meter, hardcover about 10000-11000 Yuan/sq m sea view House, under the influence of market environment, the project was introduced 75 discount, lowest price more than 4,000 yuan/square meter. BI Gui Yuanhui, General Manager of Eastern yellowZu Wu introduced, volume entering the market of the project up to $ 2 billion this year, project unit has reached more than more than 4,000, prices have not come out. As the future compared to the quality of a different in detail, more sophisticated, and prices are expected to be higher than a period. The first five months of the year, country garden holdings total contract value of around $ 12.84 billion, annual fall 28%, contractSales floor area of 2.12 million square meters, annual fall 25%. By the end of May, country garden there are about $ 3.11 billion amount has subscribed to the signing. After the company President Mo Bin said, 5 June will be bi Gui Yuan pushing cargo set, the price will be to market fluctuation. Modest price, NetEase finance, study notes, recent market research on the frequency of individual real estate prices�� A urban renewal project in Beijing to launch building products Diablo 3 power leveling, prior to the opening price respectively, up $ 2,100 and $ 1000 Shenzhen vanke project May launch new stock price from $ 11,000 up to 13,500 Yuan/square meter/square meters, up 22.73%. On the market in Guangzhou, according to the Department of housing management data show in May 2012, Guangzhou residenceContract 9,099, link up April, rose 22.5%; primary residential transactions average nearly 12,000 yuan/square meters per cent per cent in April increased by 3.7% Yuan/square meter, compared with 2011 10 Diablo 3 CD-KEY,770 Yuan/sq m in the same period increased by 11.3%. May many high-end products in Guangzhou City high profile market, According to certain data May House more than 30,000 yuan/about 300 houses, food in Baiyun district, China vanke Golden field Blue Bay Launches product at $ 8 million-10 million/24 villas; haizhu poly Tin Yuet Estate RMB 370 sqm Riverview Mansion at 35000-50000/total price of qianwanyi. Not only in the primary market, the secondary marketAlso appeared on sporadic gains, Miss buildings for more than six months to tell NetEase finance, prepared in May come to the acquisition of a project building in Guangzhou Panyu, intermediary before up 20,000 compared to quote, quote 730,000, now to 750,000 owners sell. Senior Manager, Group Research Center in Central Plains Qu Anxin is currently relatively stable policy environment is expected June for Tier IIHousing market will continue steady, prices remained slightly higher. Hongwei ZHANG China Strategic Advisory Research Center Director noted that, due to a restriction, limited credit policy, investment and speculative demand have no way to mass to enter the real estate market, so no help on house price rises of this demand. Decline in house prices are likely to be warmer because the volume of narrow, developerTo cut may "get better". [Scroll] observation of monthly foreign trade data continues to be a high rebound (06-10) [scroll] steel: Ministry of science and technology from the six areas for SME development (06-10) [scroll] National Pork prices in May 2011New lows since (06-10) [scroll] banks according to high interest rates put storage experts will help to promote market-oriented interest rate (06-10) [scroll] Minister of transportation: will speed up low-carbon transportation system (06-10) [scroll] "investing" Rogers: bullish on China stocksWould like to find China's son-in-law (06-10) [scroll] May link alignment of market turnover rose (06-10) [scroll] Ning Luo high speed chain mengcheng 11 deaths and 59 injuries caused by traffic accidents (06-10) [scroll] energy subsidies introduced consumer boom is expected to pull 4Demand for 50 billion (06-10) [scroll] LI: China's financial reform is a prerequisite for the internationalisation (06-10) [scroll] Inner Mongolia was born the world's first genetically modified low-lactose milk production in dairy cows (06-10) [scroll] "Yuan Tai Tau" market prices have fallenMore 30% the fake silver coins (06-10) [scroll] foreign trade data show that China's economy gradually lower stabilisation (06-10) [scroll] Zibo Jin Zhentang companies suspected of illegally absorbing deposits in public were placed on file for investigation (06-10) [rolling]1-5 month 3 of imported iron ore.100 million tons of 9% per cent increase (06-10) [scroll] Changchun: medium-large buyers favor (06-10) [scroll] in January-May increase power generation to 1.91 trillion kWh per cent 4.7% (06-10) [scroll] May crude oil processing 38.33 millionTon fell 0.7% (06-10) [scroll] Toyota aiming at modern "nest" expert praised its strategy properly (06-10) [scroll] Spain "beg" euro group ready to bail out 100 billion euros (06-10) [scroll] next week's CSI limitedLow unit release is worth about $ 12.1 billion for the year (06-10) [scroll] Ministry: support of the industrial transformation and upgrading of Qinghai province as soon as possible (06-10) [scroll] May, China's foreign trade imports and exports hit a monthly high (06-10) [scroll] lifting market of the two cities next week 12100 million to low levels during the year (06-10) [scroll] 14 introduced policies encouraging expansion of Ningbo international markets (06-10) [scroll] national debit and whirlpool area top zouping County total size of 100 billion (06-10) [scroll] Xu Xiao-Nian: the second halfHow the economic downturn will not reverse the policy (06-10) [scroll] adjacent to cargo companies to suspend the liquidation industry development of refraction (06-10) [scroll] yinlu contract wide medicine King old Kat struggle between red and green shadows looming behind Nestl�� (06-10) [scroll] industrial powerWeaker demand for Qinhuangdao coal accumulation of serious (06-10) [scroll] wuliangye establishment of marketing reform group to clean up the OEM brand (06-10) [scroll] luolai does not list the number of home textile stores shop management efficiency in doubt (06-10) [scroll] forbidden city cleanupShops selling goods should not be selling few others produce (06-10) [scroll] Shandong "Asia's largest coin Museum" was closed down for illegal financing (06-10) [scroll] on May import and export of steel double recovering iron ore imports 60 million tons (06-10) [scroll]Social security spending huge sums into the stock market led faucet unit investment opportunity (06-10) [scroll] United States and enterprises anti-dumping investigation against Chinese xanthan gum products applications (06-10) [scroll] Police Department confirmed that the sleeper buses will gradually be withdrawn from the market (unit) (06-10) [scroll] country garden plusHT market 2 billion intervention intends to slightly increase the price of domestic penetration (06-10) [scroll] customs May scale of China's imports and exports both hit a monthly high (06-10) [1.4%]PPI prices drop 2.5-year low | Fresh vegetables rose 31.2%| Egg drop 9.8% | Foods rose 6.4%[data] in May before consumption per cent increase 14.5%| Fixed investment increased 20.1%| Basic real estate development increased around the 18.5% hearing final plan has yet to see the conclusion below | Stepped implementation of electricity price still have multiple questions to be solved NetEase finance week featured picture [financial] CarnarvonQuebec Government to sue tobacco companies claim US $ 58 billion [financial] Japan Prime Minister decided to restart the nuclear nightmare reappearance of people worried about leakage [financial] deep in the Qinling Mountains are a large number of villas real estate developers in the name of tourism development projects [financial] coal enterprises in Shanxi province buyout Highway 1/9[was not being questioned officials say financial] development and Reform Commission: even if the egg 46 chicken farmers are still guaranteed edge [financial] encourages private investment in Chongqing University of Southern Group will invest $ 1 billion to build the [financial] sleeper buses will be withdrawn from the market after 5 years 30,000 vehicles involved 5,000 lines [financial] euro group announced to Spain providing 100 billion euro loan [financial] national grid primary separation and closeout corner workersNo longer qualify for dividends [financial] administration in Chongqing high profile "private" wishes to reverse the perception of the outside world special background pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

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129836407506093750_71IPv6 usher in the first year of commercial operators of short-term profit model problems On June 6, the next generation Internet Protocol IPv6 online. According to statistics, as of 4th, China at the IPv6Launch Web site 65% is available on the IPv6 access. Wu hequan, Vice President Engineering, China Securities Journal reporter in an interview said: "IPV6 development process itself also has a lot of issues need to be addressed, but that does not prevent IPV4 upgrade to IPV6, and technology upgrades are to practice while improving process. "Next year is expected to usher in a maturity of investment was at its peak with the environment, IPV4 to IPV6 migration acceleration. After the Executive meeting of the State Council has made it clear, by the end of 2013, 6th Edition Internet Protocol (IPv6) networks small business pilot,Formation of sophisticated business models and technology evolution route from 2014 to 2015, large-scale deployment and commercial, implement Internet Protocol Interworking between 4th and 6th Edition the mainstream business. Shao Qing ping analysts believe that upgrades from IPv4 to IPv6 Internet Protocol driver facing the force from the IPv4 address depletion, IPv6 addresses capacity,Full advantage of. IPv6 network-building will be a long process, will take at least 10 years. "IPV6 equipment manufacturing chain routers, switches, terminal benefits first, long-service chains including related follow-up was greater impact Internet companies. Brought annual growth of at least 10% to data communication equipment. However requires at least 5-10 years of long-term substituteProcess. "Industry analysts have said otherwise. It is understood that many listed companies in China, chart shares, fiberhome communications, ZTE, new number of IPv6 concepts such as Zhejiang University network. Tsinghua Unisplendour holding more notable than via the network, it also rose on several occasions. However, sinolink securities analyst Chen Yunhong believes that this year is the first year of IPV6 business,IPV6 next year will have a substantive impact on the industrial chain of companies ' performance on. "IPV6 can be said to try a commercial stage, massive transformation over the next year. Is the band of the past few years, and later focused on Internet, such as 4G. IPV6 broadband investment in-5% as a whole this year, entering the peak of investment next year. "Operators are busy layout short-term profit modelDifficulty of IPV6 deployment slowly expanded, many operators on the go figure. Ministry of Telecommunications Research Institute report shows over the next 5 years, demand for 1 billion mobile Internet IP address, Internet demand for 10 billion, fixing the Internet to 500 million, demand up to 34.5 billion IP addresses. China Mobile Vice President Li zhengmao recently said that this year and next rebootDynamic network reconstruction of about 10 provinces SWTOR Credits, transforming more than 4 business bases and more than 10 owned business platform, 3 million for development of IPv6 users. China Mobile plans comprehensive applications of IPv6 within 5 years. China Telecom is planning, 2009-2011 for the trial phase, start network and platform transformation, after 2015 to implement IPv6Comprehensive business, enable new applications dominate. According to the introduction to China Unicom Vice President Zhang Junan, China Unicom plans to invest 800 million in 10 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen pilot commercial-scale deployment of IPv6, the end of 2013 target of not less than 3 million IPv6 broadband access users. However the three carriers while hard planning Diablo 3 gold, evenHave some effect, but in the eyes of the outside world, carrier steering power of IPv6 is still clearly insufficient. Chen Yunhong believes that operators to deploy IPV6 difficulty is short-term profit model: "current global IPV4 to IPV6 accelerated migration requires network upgrading, short or no content support, the upfront investment and late cultivation. Judging from the migration process, the firstNetwork investment to support first Rift CD-key, followed by reconstruction support IPV6 Internet content, under the modification of Terminal application upgrades and support, generate additional revenue model to produce the benefits of forming a virtuous circle. Short-term effects on profit is negative, which in the earlier period need to be encouraged at the national level on policy, funding Guide. "It has been learned that, to accelerate the construction of IPv6, the national development and Reform CommissionAnnounced 8 billion yuan as special funds for the development of next-generation Internet. However, Telecom said, expect the next-generation Internet pilot commercial full commercial deployment process, required "transforming the new" investment of more than $ 160 billion. For the financial pressure faced by operators to deploy IPV6, the industry points out that: "from data communications equipment, State-owned enterprisesAdded router switch around 30 billion a year, about pure market more than 150 billion and growing at a 10%-15%, the IPV6 equivalent to around 4 billion-5 billion annually, for the operators of small financial contribution this year. "" Technology IPV6 is the next network programme, future networks is the integration of broadband and fixed network, long-term trends, Fiber optic equipment and personal gap, the final 100 m is infinite. The three carriers, just from the fixed network and mobile now, China Mobile's advantages more obvious, Unicom and Telecom also have their own characteristics. At present relatively balanced in the long run, 4G issuance of licence and broadband is key and networks the next competitive advantage factors of uncertainty. "Chen Yunhong said. Others:

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129836519668593750_419Entrepreneurship must ask themselves before 8 questions Venture in China is a hot topic today. Compared to early days of reform and opening up, can't find the talent to start to work differs from the concept, today too many entrepreneurs are given a Halo. In the eyes of people, only a smart, capable, have the courage and dedication of personnel business. People give too many entrepreneurs look forward to, to entrepreneurs too much admiration. From the environmental point of view, todayEntrepreneurial heaven. With the rapid development of network technology, mobile Internet technology, capital markets on the company based on new technologies and new concepts are also exceptions run. Entrepreneur's success, success also brought their capital investment. I have met a lot of people, they have entrepreneurial passion, they also have a lot of A Brainstorm their desire to turn their ideas into reality, they really want toTry to venture capital. But success is not easy, most of the time, our passion is pioneering the cruel reality of the original fray out. Sometimes we think of cool ideas, found from the customer is so far away. So if we wanted to venture, in addition to must have the necessary qualities of entrepreneurs, we are also required under the passion, more rationalThe exams. Here I Karl Stark and Bill Stewart's ideas to share with you. They believe that when a person is willing to continuously evaluate their business models, will enable it to continue to make this successful, could be developed. Of course, they are referring to is not limited to business, can also be used for research and development of new products. But I prefer to take theirThese valuable questions, inspiring entrepreneurs began to think seriously about their own entrepreneurial journey. Problems, who are your target customers? Ideal customer number exist? Karl Stark and Bill Stewart believed that if a product or solution is successful, you will certainly find something seems to be "no brains" of customers. So Diablo 3 power leveling, you need to gatherCoke's customers and businesses. Although there seems to be some confused customers in the purchase, but you need to remember is that if a product is suitable for everyone, it may fail. Calculate your target customers, extra 20% may be non-target customers to buy your products. In General, these non-target customers will believe that the product is not what you think are attractive�� Issue two, the idea (or product) do already exist? Most entrepreneurs think that the best answer is "no". Karl Stark and Bill Stewart think entrepreneurs would be a misconception, that create a previously there is no better than to improve an existing. In fact, for an already existing concept or product, tableOut customer exists, and will provide a lot of information it creates customer value. Investors run the improvement of already existing programmes, rather than no customers verification programmes. Issue three, customers usually do? In General, a demand exists, there are definitely has the needed solution. In some cases, it may be artificial, protracted process. OrAre of a similar solution with you. Karl Stark and Bill Stewart believed that in such a case, you will prove to customers that your solutions on the obvious improvement in the customer value, the account is not accepted. Issue four, the current cost is the total cost of the solution of what? In the concept of the best commercial, non-Always easy to quantify the total cost of current solutions. Karl Stark and Bill Stewart, for example in the areas of health care, based on when the technology-enabled solutions to replace the traditional manual, currently work costs is calculated. "To customers this, initially accepted by the customer is the key. "Five, you're realHow are distinctive assets and capabilities? Recent business models are generally focused on those entrepreneurs on the unique strategic capabilities that can enter the market. Karl Stark and Bill Stewart believed that if this business model actually has value SWTOR Credits, it increases the threshold for competitors to enter, but also will enhance customer service. Karl STark and Bill Stewart proposed venture will focus on those who are on a completely different business model, and thereby to enhance the value of your business idea. And the other part to business partners, or outsourcing. Issue six, the actions of your competitors you react? Not to defend the "first mover" advantage. Imitation isYour worship. Karl Stark and Bill Stewart think if your area does not have competitors, maybe you don't have anything worthy of imitation of others. Entrepreneur, if you are successful, there must be a competitor, probably many of them already exist. If you are focused on how to create more value for customersRather than focus on becoming "pioneer" on your ideas would be of more value. If the second or third market entrants can easily take away your customers and profit, so your ideas are worth any money. Issue seven TERA Gold, what business model? Defines an end-to-end view of business models. Karl Stark and Bill StewartRecommended schema Alex Osterwalder, including customer part, customer relations, channels, value propositions, key events, key resources, and build revenue streams and key partners of the cost structure. 2-3 optional you can build this business together, such as partners instead of you Pro-hands-on. And then evaluate theThis substitution will give you how much strengthening. Issue eight, before the build framework, try how to learn? Many entrepreneurs will have this kind of take it for granted that "as long as I do it, it will come." The idea is very bad. Karl Stark and Bill Stewart part think to use some creative ways of attracting testUsers and around they need to carry out your business. You will try this method of learning, gain insight, and this is far more than just extended your original idea you have significance. Before you start, it is best to ask yourself these questions. Karl Stark and Bill Stewart that these issues will improve your businessConcepts, will also give your customers bring more value, investors and potential partners. Business also need to be cautious Yo! [Scroll] guoguangchangpanshi Yi who would sell "sovereignty" (06-09) [scroll] jade cargo recombinant happen or by the bankruptcy (06-09) [scroll] back sea unitSilver Eagle in the second inquiry China price "buy" (06-09) [scroll] "88 spell" waves of redemption of the reconstruction fund institutions "kill" (06-09) [scroll] Chongqing iron and steel into the asset was not built (06-09) [scroll] "new 36" rulesRecent private capital "admission" Countdown (06-09) [scroll] jiaduobao ultimate business competition in the market of Guangzhou pharmaceutical (06-09) [scroll] change times: China's retail industry to hold warmth (06-09) [scroll] Wanda tourism real estate "examination" (06-09:02) [scroll] cut of "burden lightening" 200 billion of stable growth with intent to strengthen (06-09) [scroll] coal enterprises take the initiative to find the customer imported coal hits the market (06-09) [scroll] art investment or disguise funds in question throughout the United States (06-09) [scroll]Xiang Junbo managed insurance companies invest the new deal (06-09) [scroll] European stocks closed down France CAC index fell by 0.63% (06-09) [scroll] South beauty mist listing (06-09) [scroll] waves of restructuring in the car industry hit (06-09) [Scroll] looking for new balance of direct election of the Chairman of the Trade Union labour relations (06-09) [scroll] supervision by the SFC and the Hong Kong-like restaurant listings (06-09) [scroll] Saab takeover ' Iceman ' young regret exit (06-09) [scroll] "by belly" in NanjingChang an "long horse" key joint venture (06-09) [scroll] Beijing to 60,000 electronic eye monitoring waste oils (06-09) [scroll] Shenhua Jiangxi 30 billion thermal power project approval of obstacle (06-09) [scroll] Shanxi: Highway "great leap forward" (06-0900:01) [scroll] new judicial interpretation of the Bankruptcy Act intends to expand the scope of debtors ' property (06-09) [scroll] were major shareholders to sell cars in the hippocampus prospect worrying (06-09) [scroll] Ni Kaiming "departure" popular revolution in China (06-09) [Scroll] contractor revealed that Jerry has become the unspoken rules of the highway construction industry (06-09) [scroll] investment impulse ungovernable "Twelve-Five" energy-saving emission reduction targets poor (06-09) [scroll] Department of protection determined "flexible pension" research timetable (06-09) [scroll] Sino-US financial regulation say competition for upgrade (06-09) [scroll] Housing Ministry intended to encourage commercial housing building "dahua" from (06-09) [scroll] national grid primary separation and closeout corner workers no longer qualify for dividends (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: at the end of last yearTotal banking assets of 105.8 trillion yuan (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: strengthening regional systemic risks (06-08) [scroll] Germany April per cent decline in both import and export (06-08) [rolling]Dato Timothy:APEC will continue to play an important role in the region (06-08) [scroll] eurozone collapse collapse (06-08) [scroll] European debt crisis May offer emerging markets out of US $ 6.061 billion (06-08) [scroll] when two or three quarter is high risk in emerging markets(06-08) [scroll] frequent quality children's wear Enterprise trapped test standards (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification |Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] Jiangsu car breaks down collective continued: Ultra chlorine content of oil products United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continued, who "Save "rights Wharf Holdings to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: reorganization of units involved insider trading marketSecretary shall suspend the restructuring [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] Regal dating activities of interest to light $ 40,000 spare cashReport on the financial picture: Foxconn's bizarre phenomena secret United States Federal Reserve System Others:

" he is not a high end figure Diablo 3 Gold " he is not a high end figure - RDML

129838985681093750_10Guo degang innuendo Zhou LIBO's reaction slower and then talk about hitting: I win people by virtue Guo degang talking about beating: we win people by virtue. zhongxinwang month Diablo 3 gold, 11th talk talk-show, a lot of people think of the cross-talk by Zhou LIBO, but starting from June 11, Guo degang also will join the lineup of talk show, presided over the network show the win people by virtue of, claiming to be a quick response, he stressed that the programme does not read, and Zhou LIBO Zeng Yin did not constitute competition. Talk about hitting the event:We are reading win people by virtue of the win people by virtue of the video, wearing a green t-shirt full of tide fan Guo degang endlessly laments: "I always thought it was the mysterious smile, did not expect such a wretched, knew I was tall and handsome. "For the new program name, Guo degang out" crafty "smiles said:" I have always been win people by virtue, some people may say we whipBut we really didn't play, we calm reason, convincing each other from a moral perspective. "Moderator echoed:" each other already bald, says we are pulling hair. "Guo degang immediately interrupted, a look of" smile "in response to" you say how much do you charge! "(Note: the paparazzi to sell to make money) is a talk show platform can publish their views,Future conflicts with the media do? Guo degang solemnly clarify: "media and I have never been a conflict. "Evaluation of peer competition: I have no diploma can only rely on personal charisma News Conference, media praise Guo degang was" concerned about the development of the times of the seaman ", he laughed:" who do I get? Who called tide? "At the same time he also talks about competition and peers, said Guo degang-GermanConstant innovation is the difference clouds Diablo 3 Gold, "we like the new work, peers how nutrients, they also copied. "Zhou LIBO had opened for rivals talk show, Guo degang said:" don't make me give offence. "He then said he and the other does not," first, I have no culture, second day is not finished, but I like to read, second, I softWeak, introverted, my advantage is to take guests as friends TERA Gold, all on your own personal charm. "Face the media on how to" southern counterparts "questions of competition, Guo degang mouth to play again," we really are not peers. "Because of Zhou LIBO's talk show is based on a manuscript play, Guo degang said with irony:" I do not like people so much culture, Internet topics, IHow do you want to say in his heart, a lot of people say I'm fast, because the talk shows couldn't prepare, see personal reaction ability and charisma, so different from his techniques. "New talking program: Kirin is my son Guo, Guo degang not high-end person described in an interview, is the win people by virtue of a one-to-one interview Week webcasts, inviting industryHigh-end person chat to a friend. Phase I is the old partner Yu Qian talks, so familiar second person has nothing to talk about, Guo degang laughed: "chant of chat about what I don't know. "Asked whether Kirin Guo served as guest, Guo degang immediately back into a hard father IE one who treats his children severely:" he is not a high end figure, he is my son. "Guo degang to dare to speak and say famous, but his direct: "Attract I may not be able to say that to say may not be able to attract me. "He stressed that although the network programs, but to program can continue in the long run, no need to be nonsense, and gave her exclamation:" you know. �� Others:


Dan ren lying gun-related articles. In response to these reports Diablo 3 gold Dan ren lying gun-r

129823520588437500_126Disabled children aged under 1 kadanren and pharmacy Cliff plunge 7% NetEase finance, May 24-ren pharmacy early today reported $ 11.6, lower 5%, shock after opening lower, as of 10:30, renhe pharmaceutical industry has reported $ 11.4, crash 6.94%, volume amplification, change hands 3.5%. Price trends are Cliff trend today. Yesterday, the media against a State food and drug administrationIssued on the revision of the non-prescription drugs containing amantadine hydrochloride specification notice, published the revised children's cold medicine standards: forbidden cards, Dan ren lying gun-related articles. In response to these reports, renhe responded that the pharmaceutical industry, the revised manual is routine practice within the industry by the State food and Drug Administration amendments, not because of any productsQuality problems and take mandatory modification, after receiving the notice, company has requested that the specification of the new materials reported in Jiangxi province food and Drug Administration for the record. Announcement, 1 baby card is disabled, this rumor to be true wow cd-key, to ensure the safety of drugs for children Diablo 3 gold, according to amantadine hydrochloride preparations instructions relating to "child medication" provided, containing hydrochloric acidDiamond n-amine of non-prescription drug (OTC) of manual for amendment, for only for children of ammonia Jin Huangmin particles, and children ammonia phenol n-amine particles, and children compound ammonia phenol n-amine tablets, delete "Note matters" in the "1 age following children should in Guide Xia using", in "taboo" items in the increased "due to lack newborn and 1 age following baby security and effectiveness of data, newborn andInfants aged 1 to disable the product. "[Scroll] Herbalife Liaoning branch was arrested disguised pyramid schemes (05-24) [scroll] overweight 4.58 million h-shares of Shanghai pharmaceutical Holdings shareholders (05-24) [scroll] finance: local governments to fully open within two years of public funding (05-24) [scroll] Shanghai pharmaceutical clarify once again not been investigations by the Securities and Futures Commission and the stock exchange of Hong Kong (05-24) [scroll] get the oil found in oil in Bohai Sea area (05-24) [scroll] United States double reverse hit China PV industry out of the Woods (05-24:29) [scroll] euro-zone economic crisis worsening foreign investment from Brazil market withdrawal (05-24) [scroll] wheat this year the minimum purchase price for each Jin $ 1.02 (05-24) [scroll] Greece banking would be 18 billion euro recapitalisation funds (05-244) [scroll] Greenpeace investigations: KFC family barrels alleged destruction of tropical rain forests (05-24) [scroll] rebound in Hong Kong April per cent import and export (05-24) [scroll] foreign media said Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong raised US $ 203 billion (05-24) [Scroll] Chinese people to be in Shanghai and Hong Kong IPO to raise $ 6 billion (05-24) [scroll] energy-efficient appliances promotion rules introduced this month is expected to boost spending 450 billion (05-24) [scroll] 10% green King holding promised dividends no less than a year (05-248) [scroll] euro-zone countries urged Greece to implement reforms as soon as possible (05-24) [scroll] products of desay battery proposed $ 150 million investment (05-24) [scroll] to fund the purchase of a $ 2 billion Ali Group (05-24) [scroll] SarkozyWere accused of illegally accepting donations or l ' Or��al face question of Justice (05-24) [rolling]IMF Vice President saying it wanted Greece in the euro zone (05-24) [scroll] methanol supports stronger yen rises (05-24) [scroll] Korea Government intervention in the foreign exchange market to prevent South Korean wonExcess depreciation (05-24) [scroll] market waiting for signal guidance in light of Coke (05-24) [scroll] Citi: Greece on January 1, 2013, exit the eurozone (05-24) [scroll] 35% clou electronics to be 18 million acquisition of shares of subsidiary sharesRight (05-24) [scroll] Switzerland CHF 156 million fine to the BMW company (05-24) [scroll] Shanghai China International: technical rebound Zheng cotton vulnerable modification (05-24) [scroll] 20% a proposed 2 million out of the three gorges Chongqing Three Gorges-British force equity (05-24) [scroll] Citi: Greece will leave the eurozone next year (05-24) [scroll] magicstor subsidiary to be 1 million to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary (05-24) [scroll] State: the Government's pricing and adjustment of fees to public reason (05-2418:36) [scroll] Riyadh won two LED patent (05-24) [scroll] ten agencies: shares again like a callback which continuous stimulation of good policy (05-24) [scroll] Sugitachi in Ningbo: even the beans between the short term remains weak (05-248:32) [scroll] CDB Ali Group $ 2 billion of long-term financing (05-24) [scroll] Czech Republic shares intended to be 200 million acquisition of mining 100% stake in Tuquan County Hillier (05-24) [scroll] CITIC building cast: Hu-aluminum lower shock or bottomed out (05-24:30) [scroll] ruida Futures: bad factors continue to release rebound Shanghai zinc short term capture (05-24) [scroll] Shanghai Middle: Intraday performance weak and Shanghai steel temporary supports on the bottom (05-24) [scroll] Kowloon power split non-environmental business performance next year will be the great leap forward (05-2418:22) the Chinese judge United States new save energy subsidies and trade barriers | Price advantage not dumping | Suntech enterprises Diablo 3 gold, such as the Joint United States Conference in early 250% anti-dumping tax | Commerce Department that it would actively defend | Some enterprises shifting production to avoid energy-saving home appliances subsidies 25.5 billion | 97.9 billion renewable energy Special Fund |Public invest trillions of 3.6 billion King "cover" vegetable [financial] Dong Fan: timing to buy ren Zhiqiang policy pressure drop: 2 years after soaring [financial] Mianyang, Sichuan province arrested for retention of 6 billion investment at the expense of Hong Kong donates school [financial] Green City 3.6 billion market covered land into vegetable built wuliangye Yibin airport [financial]Apply medicationto under highly paid, not satisfied with Chief Executive Tung Foxconn double pay to 4400[stock], Director of the Shanghai financial Office: foreign companies listed on the International Board as a whole [stock] people's daily: Unit shares monkey Monster stocks soaring down people do not understand [commercial] self-made billionaires under 40 list 2011 China's list of top 30 [commercial]"Top ten fall short of the reality" brand 2012 Chinese online shopping survey [financial] financing managers confused study on price differences in banking and insurance products in Guangdong [financial] 16% monthly income of 15,000 gold ornaments in the Mainland more expensive than Hong Kong singles fiscal 2012 Forbes Taiwan Forbes business major top ten best employers Others:

and Liu xiaoqing Diablo 3 Gold and Liu xiaoqing - AKFR

129822607992343750_151Gillian bed play provoked controversy viewers satire: Act passion play and ease Gillian play shangguan, beauty and talent. Dalian evening news reported on May 23 in recent days, as the drama progressed, Indus music Prime hit large medieval drama of the Empress Wu showed up with one of the much-anticipated the secret history-key figures-shangguan, popular actress Gillian starred in the role by Hong Kong. Shangguan's history can also be called a "remarkable woman", GillianCapable woman, dressing up audiences was commendable, but then pretty and flirtatious style, with stunning passion play of the actor breast half exposed again attracted netizens criticized. Gillian turned "true man" appeared for the first time in this in the secret history of Wu Zetian, Gillian ancient female civilian, wearing a hat, dressed in Tang dynasty female robe was Seiitsu pretty. Due to previously used to Gillian or teen or handsome for the appearance of an actor or actress in costume and makeup, The model of the medieval woman, gave the audience a lot of surprises Rift CD-key, fans jokingly said, "Gillian of the male. "Gillian's acting skills have been questioned, some netizens said," Gillian play shangguan, beauty is really enough, but talent is not enough. "Many netizens said, guanwaner is the first woman in the history of China on her course with excellent grades to be inseparable,Shangguan their hearts must be upright, very independent Diablo 3 Gold, black-and-white point, not a flattering image of woman, by Gillian starred in the role, image is too hot, let people pay attention to her appearance, ignoring their acting, did lack a little literary qualities. Erotic modeling became a woman, of the secret history of Wu Zetian's ratings yilupansheng, and play a variety of stunning lens does notOpening. Following Tao Yin (click Watch Tao Yin television works huangliang alley 19th, under, and vertical combat under), and Liu xiaoqing (click Watch Liu xiaoqing television works Dr door women of the Hill under, and River East flow under) (micro-Bo) of passion bed play was hot on the zhihou, Gillian played of Shang guanwaner and several any Prince are has ambiguous feelings Diablo 3 gold, which also has passion bed play. Play shangguanLying on the bed, clothes were pulled by Crown Prince, had a half a full chest, face expression of ecstasy to enjoy, let the audience not to accept, even evaluating its erotic play with a woman. Fans say, "she hegit skill is not enough, show passion play down its capability, the private lives of less moderation guanwaner do people bear. �� Others:

known as "the King of Rice cracker Diablo 3 power leveling known as "the King of Rice cracker - OV

129823520795312500_566Worth 50 billion Mong Mong zhangmen "alien's richest man" New hurun added yesterday Diablo 3 gold, from Taiwan, Mong Kok, Mong Cai yanming, Chairman of the Group of 50 billion dollars of wealth, the top "2012 alien in China rich list". Head of Master Kang Wei family to 45 billion yuan followed by wealth, Chu family from Hong Kong ranked third. It is understood that this is the hurun Institute published this list for the second year in a row. "Exotic Regal"Born and raised outside of mainland China, but rich of long-term living in mainland China. List display, 51-ranked foreign Volvo's total wealth of $ 318.5 billion, average wealth of $ 6.2 billion, up 5% than last year. These exotic the pockets of average age of 59 years, than the rich list on the Mainland the pockets of average in 7 years of age, most of them in ChinaHad already won the first pot of gold, of which women accounted for 12%. Look at the list, Taiwan Regal in the Mainland's most profitable, of listed magnates from Taiwan 29, 4 less than last year, but still accounts for 57% of the total number of listed Hong Kong ranked second, 8-bit, last year 3, 16% per cent of total number of listed; the United States ranked third, 4�� Character "King of Rice cracker" topped the Summit for the first time TERA Gold, "China's foreign rich list" of Taiwan, Mong Kok, Mong Cai yanming, Chairman of the group, was 55 years old, known as "the King of Rice cracker," said, took over the family business since the age of 19, the company from near the edge of failure, create the world's largest maker of Rice cracker. In recent years, want want holdings in mainland China not only opened its first Taiwan-funded hospitals, moreActive construction system of hotel chains across the Strait. 2012 hurun China outside of the list of the top ten country/region names wealth (billions of Yuan) industry Taiwan CAI yanming 500 want want foods Diablo 3 power leveling, real estate and other Taiwan Wei family 450 new beverage, food and other Hong Kong Chu Lin Wenjing family 300 Mission Hills Golf Club, real estate Indonesia 250 rongqiao real estateTaiwan Wang Heng 230 Golden Eagle real estate Indonesia Huang Bainian Vincent 140 150 Shanghai Bund Center real estate Hong Kong Shui on land, building Taiwan family 100 Xu Xu Fu kee food low Li Si 90 unit property in Hong Kong Taiwan 75 Daphne Chen Ying-Jie family shoes Others:

SWTOR Credits - SECG

129822627401093750_203Petty young most recent high quality LCD TV recommended Petty bourgeoisie white-collar youth generally refers to the city, a certain degree of status and wealth in society Diablo 3 power leveling, with the "middle class" differ by some distance, usually refers to the pursuit of inner experience, material and spiritual enjoyment of young people. Young petty bourgeoisie to schedule your entertainment life is colorful, so when they select a large household appliances, consider more comprehensive,He them, stylish and useful household appliances products to suit your needs, choose a flat-screen TV as well. Today, small series will show you several even petty bourgeoisie who are very popular fashion elegant flat-screen TVs, interested friends may wish to look at. Recommended products: TCL L43E5010E product features: Ultra narrow borders the original threeStar screen LED LCD TV a smart upgrade Internet WIFI reference price: $ 3,599-$ 4 TERA Power Leveling,188 TCL L43E5010E TCL L43E5010E LCD TV Samsung original VA soft screen, brightness 450 lumens. Due to side LED backlighting, the fuselage is quite thin, TVCan be placed anywhere, for users to save more space. Big inch display SWTOR Credits, matching narrow screen, coupled with the top process derived from military technology, noble and elegant appearance. TCL L43E5010E LCD TV built-in decoding advanced network technologies, are free to choose PPOE dial-up, wireless WIFI Internet access. Also built in ChinaVideo-on-demand modules, speed, release, massive movies constantly updated, online without downloading watch HD movies at the theater level. TCL L43E5010E LCD TV's unique natural light technology, television was harmful artificial light of change is closer to natural light, can effectively alleviate long term visual fatigue caused by watching TV. Built-in highVoice, baritone, bass and heavy bass sound through four levels of structure, makes the sound more levels, more broad range, leading provider of audio enhancement technology, created a full range of stereo audio and Visual space. Dr flat panel TV of high quality and low price for an ideal consumption of the petty bourgeoisie is a good choice for years. Others:

financial incomeMeet daily consumption expenses Diablo 3 CD-KEY financial incomeMeet daily consump

129823520826250000_632Finance case: sudden increase in household wealth Fund reserves "Case" housing units get a demolition. Family risk-resistant ability remains weak as a whole Diablo 3 CD-KEY, all members of the family are no risk guarantee, financial tools are not in place. Poorer families sustainable income-generating ability wow power leveling, reasonable investment TERA Power Leveling, financial income cover living expenses. "Recommended" 1. resolve to worry about is the prime target: family members should increase the major diseasesInsurance and medical and hospital insurance, and old-age insurance in order to increase the safety of family and social security. 2. Educational Fund reserve in advance: essential to education of the children of gold reserves for stability of low-risk investment. Calculated in accordance with the instalment, need to prepare the gold reserves of around $ 250,000 for education. 3. investment should be conservative: demolition for effective investment, financial incomeMeet daily consumption expenses; investment planning, investment in fixed assets investment and financial assets to distinguish two blocks. Fixed assets investment: investment shops or purchase of small and medium sized real estate for investment. Financial asset investments: focusing on low-risk products; not suitable for trading stocks, focusing on products to long-term funds and banking products, low-risk bonds tie, time should be selected on the dividendProduct. At the same time, family should choose some short-term low-risk investment banking products, and some Monetary Fund for emergency use. Others: