
Mac Pro update also dates back to the last time in 2010

129836407523437500_110WWDC2012 various predictions and rumors before the ultimate summary Monday Apple Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC to be held at Moscone Center in San Francisco 2012. This WWDC Apple will release a new version on Mac, release iOS 6. Crazy analysts even believe that we will see on the WWDC Apple all feature TV and next generation iPhone. In any case click here, let us count theSome rumor or prediction or true or false! Will definitely release: new Ivy Bridge carried processor Mac computers: all Mac computers to be published on the WWDC latest 22nm Ivy Bridge will carry the Intel processor. Ivy Bridge currently suitable for laptop and desktop processors have madeCloth, suitable for low-voltage version of the IVB processor in the MacBook Air has also been published. New ultra thin MacBook Pro: Apple is likely posted on at this year's WWDC ultrathin MacBook Pro, this product will remove the optical drive and use SSD solid state hard drive. Mac with USB 3 interface: the new IvNative support for USB 3 y Bridge processors, which will surely means Apple Mac computer with USB 3 interface. IOS 6 released: on last year's WWDC, Apple has released iOS 5. This year will be no exception, iOS 6 application using Apple developed a map and should upgrade all preloadWith quality. We may also see deep integration of Facebook, improve Siri and other new features. Mountain Lion 10.8 release time: Mountain Lion next generation OS x system will be released this summer, at this year's WWDC Apple will certainly give the Mountain LioN specific release date. Mac Pro product line for upgrades: Mac Pro update also dates back to the last time in 2010, but it seems that Apple does not give up the Mac Pro product line. For video, audio and image professionals, Mac Pro is very important. A few days ago, the new Mac Pro models and detailed distributionReset has been leaked. This means Mac Pro must be published on the WWDC this year diablo 3 power leveling, the new Mac Pro Xeon E5 series will carry the Intel Xeon processor, with Thunderbolt and USB 3 interface. Very likely to be released: Mac computers equipped with Retina display: OS xPrior to support ultra high resolution display, this year, the news that Apple will release Mac computers equipped with Retina display. The entry level MacBook Pro: the new 15-inch MacBook Pro would be published on the WWDC this year, but entry level 13 inch in on this year's WWDC will meet with you does not know whether the�� Support the Thunderbolt of the Retina display: If the Apple Mac computers equipped with Retina display, the Thunderbolt of publishing support Retina display is also necessary, because the Mac mini and Mac Pro monitors must be used for proper use. Although users canTo select the other monitor, but you cannot use Retian display definitely not what Apple wants. Equipped with Thunderbolt or external optical drive USB 3 interface: If your MacBook Pro to remove the optical drive, Apple will release an external optical drive, an external optical drive for this year may be equipped with ThunderbolT or USB 3 interface. New version of the iCloud: Apple WWDC last year posted iCloud on cloud services, a few weeks ago, news from the Wall Street Journal said this year Apple will launch a new version of iCloud, iCloud version will support sharing photos feature and supports synchronized video. May release: new Apple tV operating system: there are rumors that Apple will released in WWDC brand new Apple TV OS can run the application, it is published later this year in order to allow developers to prepare for a fully functional Apple TV. News that Apple will release a new remote control peripherals. IPhone 5 release: many people think that the next generation iPhoneReleased in September or October of this year, but if Apple the iPhone screen size to 4 inches, then Apple on WWDC should notify the developers prepare for the 4-inch screen. Certainly not released: Apple released full HDTV: analyst Peter Misek thinks Apple will post a full feature on this year's WWDC Apple HDTV product, but supply chain does not have any information on the Apple HDTV, if Apple are officially available for this product at the end of this year, so now on production is essential. IPad mini: iPad mini rumor was very much, we can see that after a very ugly design iPad mini spy photos. ButApple will not release this product at the WWDC.

