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129828545426875000_21Xiaosu Ling exposes both returned to love nest with Yifei Tang denied getting married Xiaosu Ling and Yifei Tang (material)--> Song Chunli deductive alternative Tang Fei provisional release and in the absence of the single Thorn (video)-Wuhan Chinese network evening news reported on May 30, January 28, 2011 Rift Platinum, Xiaosu Ling (click to see Xiaosu Ling movies the mask, and the father of coming snafu), and Yao Chen (click to see Yao Chen film and video of the latent) announcedMarriage, a love fairy tales gone. February 25, 2011, Xiaosu Ling suddenly sent a microblog, recognition of Yifei Tang (click to see Yifei Tang film and video the single Thorn (thorn) and the daughter-in-law in the thorn alone notice spy war remix version) was his woman, and ex-wife Chen Yao be completely isolated from each other all their lives! The morning of 26th, Xiaosu LingJi Ren announced Xiaosu Ling microblogging is black, everything is color publishing. In early March 2011, Xiaosu Ling finally willing to face the media, to tell what has occurred this month. He first denied Yifei Tang is three, Yifei Tang said only that he is a good partner. For ex-wife Chen Yao, Xiaosu Ling position--in a word family. "Not we who also split 10Feelings, even if the relationship is now converted to a. No husband and wife name, does not prevent us from doing their loved ones. "The end of March 2011, media take Yao Chen and lover of Cao Yu pairs in photos soon, Yao Chen also openly admitted that she really started a new romance. Steel is not into one day, love would not talk about sth The story behind this in addition to the partiesAnd we never know the truth. Enjoyed years of calm were exposes to marry with Yifei Tang since then, Xiaosu Ling and Yao Chen back their lives, Chen Yao enjoying a new love, and career development. Xiaosu Ling from the divorce of initial restlessness slowly calm, the major media has also reduced his attention, although sometimes he will be asked in an interview Chen Yao, butNot important sth Of course, this is the surface. We do not know is that behind what happened! Until early April of this year, friends "Changchun World Trade Center" claimed, again to look back upon Xiaosu Ling. This time of the year, he didn't hang around--"Changchun international" said Xiaosu Ling really going to marry Yifei Tang! Filial piety for the table, Xiaosu LingPurchased close to millions of vehicle as a gift of Yifei Tang dad, Dad drove back to Tang dynasty show off everywhere after the Wuhan! Rumors, Xiaosu Ling, Yifei Tang are all denied. Returned to love nest with Yifei Tang, but both denied the two were married yesterday, with media and exposes a set of Yifei Tang Xiaosu Ling photos returned home recently. Photos for two people and a group of friends at a restaurant door after another, Xiaosu LingBlue shirts, tangyifeibo t-equipped Leisure trousers, wearing a baseball hat and dressed very movement qualities, sweet together two full, good feelings so much. Two friends bid farewell to home. It is said that Xiaosu Ling after a divorce in order to avoid the media tracks pursuit, had three transform 's, recently photographed by the media on several occasions, clearly does not wish to keep, it is intended toLove become clear. User insight "all there is not empty" 28th this newspaper had reported Yifei Tang selected 27th birthday that day back to Wuhan and family wedding, she repeatedly emphasized to store wedding must be received within ten days, marriage ceremonies have been apparent. Although Yifei Tang denied the matter to reporters, claiming that "not in Wuhan", but the reality is before us. Friends have jokingly,"Pick a wedding dress Diablo 3 power leveling, Wind Street, seems to have exposed the world. "Users have the feeling," all there is not empty. "Birthday to remind users of recently Xiaosu Ling, Yao Chen posted on Twitter pictures flew out of the middle of the piece, the phrase" happy birthday, red youth " Diablo 3 CD-KEY," a little help from dayao, sorry. "Xiaosu Ling answered the phone said no signal picked out a wedding dress,Back to love-nest, two parties faced the media is taking seal policy. Yifei Tang yesterday refused to answer the phone, Xiaosu Ling dramatic response, dial telephone, Xiaosu Ling asked the first sentence "which bit do you? "Journalists showed that identity, Xiaosu Ling phone suddenly out of the situation:" Hello? Hello? Hello? Hey--what a bad signal? "Hang up the phone, reporterI call, no answer. And Yao Chen after his divorce, Xiaosu Ling one of midnight tweets a catastrophe, was national netizens lash. Two lessons learned of calamity comes by means of mouth this time, low profile boxy fortune, it can be considered intelligent. Others:

