
deposit not to cut interest rates rise. Now the banks in order to seize the customer resource

129838017165781250_3Banks high interest rates put storage experts say has helped to advance the interest rate marketization According to the voice of the press reported the evening peak, previously announced a rate cut by the Central Bank at the same time the first time to allow floating deposit interest rates, bank deposit rate adjustment "camp differentiation", an interview with journalists in the number of banks in Henan province found that public deposits can also shop around in the future, banks get stored by "Running out of time" to "State". Bank deposits can also shop around the Tang Lady Zhengzhou is a foodCorporate finance, as required or periodic deposits, interest rate changes is very sensitive to her. Recently heard that the Central Bank issued a rate cut news, went to the Bank made by Tang: Madam Deng: we need term deposits, doesn't matter which of the previously saved to? (One-year) rates is 3.5. Deposit interest has changed now, like a year transferred to the Bank of Zhengzhou 3.575, CCB was 3.5 unchanged. We are considering is not high interest rates to keep money out of the Bank. More with less interest than before. On June 8, the fall in people's Bank of China announced the RMB benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions. Financial institutions benchmark one-year deposit rate 0.25%, one-year benchmark lending rate by 0.25%; other grade benchmark deposit and lending interest rates and housing Provident Fund deposit and lending interest rates adjusted accordingly. At the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times, financial institutions to adjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate. Number of bank deposit interest rates, "a float to the top" message came out,Includes industrial and commercial bank of China, the agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of communications, as well as several State-owned banks, postal savings banks "action", will cut interest rates after a one-year deposit rate rising from 3.25% per cent. From looking at the amount, still maintained a rate cut before the deposit rates. Floating less than with the State-owned bank, Zhengzhou of Henan local bank, LosYang, banks are more "aggressive", according to Central Bank regulations limit, deposit rates at all levels, "a float to the top." Bank staff told a press conference in Zhengzhou click here, from June 8 to deposit rates to highest point of space. At the same time, Industrial Bank http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, Guangdong Development Bank, joint-stock-listed banks raised deposit rates to highest. That is to say, for saversIn the future can "shop around" select Bank; banks, the Central Bank raised its deposit rate cap, and reduced loan interest rates lower, means that the rate cut is essentially an asymmetric cut interest rates, this has to a certain extent, increasing the pressure on banks to attract savings. Expert: an important step of marketization of interest rate when you said to reporters in deposited large sums of cash, aState-owned bank's staff immediately seized the opportunity to sell financial products. In fact, this rate cut was the monetary policy of the Central Bank cut interest rates for the first time since the turn, economists generally agreed that the Central Bank rate cut shows the policy determination of stable growth. For China's economic growth rate continued to drop, to stimulate the economy stabilising effect at an early date. Financial School of Zhengzhou University teachingGrant Song Xiaoling: from a macroeconomic point of view, will have a positive impact on promoting investment and economic development. Negative impact on the surrounding economy and the economic downturn, in addition to the introduction of monetary policy, also to introduce combination with fiscal policy adjustments. The deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions, release the deposit rate cap space for the first time, is generally seen as it is interest rate in the industryAn important step, restart the reform process. Some experts even predicted that the meaning of relaxation rate float space even larger than a rate cut. Henan University of Economics and Law Institute of finance Deputy Director Zhao Zijian: if allowed to float 10%, deposit not to cut interest rates rise. Now the banks in order to seize the customer resource, most likely will not decrease, native to the increase of interest rate marketizationIs on the level of management and administration of its own challenges, will gradually push the banks to the market in a competitive environment through price adjustments, forced him to have to strengthen its management improve.

