
diablo 3 gold 000 dollars seed capital NetEase tech news on March 16 - GKL

129764878486250000_24Real-time Boxcar push reminder service providers was 150,000 dollars seed capital NetEase tech news on March 16, according to technology blog TechCrunch reported, real-time Boxcar push reminder service providers just Kima Ventures to get seed funding of $ 150,000, its cumulative financing amounted to us $ 211,000. New financing development users of the company's consumer-oriented services, expanding to AndroiD, Windows Phone platform diablo 3 gold, as well as developing B2B products. Boxcar now supports iOS and Mac OS x. Application by Boxcar, users anytime diablo 3 gold, anywhere access to e-mail, instant messaging, news updates, software updates and other information is pushed. Boxcar soon will also be introduced to mobile developers pushReminder function, that function as a back-end service. In addition, Crowd Fusion CEO bulaien·aerwei (Brian Alvey), Seesmic CEO luwake·lemoer (Loic Le Meur), former Pinch Media CEO geleige·yadeli (Greg yArdley) and Flurry co-founder Xien·beiernasi (Sean Byrnes) will join the Advisory Board of the Boxcar. Kima Ventures is the shareholder of popular iOS Sparrow mail client service providers, Sparrow is a good alternative choice of Apple's own mail application.Coincidence is that Boxcar said it is cooperating with the Sparrow, which provides the missing push reminder. On the Mac, although Boxcar with other popular services of a similar Growl to compete, but Apple's latest operating system OS x with push reminder (Mountain Lion)Coming soon, the two services are faced with having to compete with the core functionality of the system. But Boxcar is moving into another area, shortly after it launched a developer used to create cross-platform push alert service. Boxcar then also would face Urban Airship, Xtify, StackMob, PaRSE such as competition. The concept of service is not only to provide push reminder for developers, to help their business and sustainable development. Is important to note that, with current competitors, Boxcar push will not only provide support, back-end services developer tools will also allow developers to let consumers choose to pay the push function。 The end user of the application, such as selecting the feature and application is required every six months or every year to pay. Currently have these products, such as iOS Twitterlator Neue Twitter application. Application that pushes the current reminder is provided by Boxcar support, it also has some users of all ages. But the United States Science and technologyNews site ZDNet points out that, due to the user per year to pay for Neue push alert service, the application on the App Store application store got some bad reviews. Neue developer andelu·sitong (Andrew Stone) explained that the charge is for sustainable development taking into account. "We're going to pay for servers," he said."People want to get free products, but this will make most developers eventually stranded. "Boxcar CEO qiaonasen·qiaozhi (Jonathan George) revealed that the company was expanded to support work of other Twitter apps, soon will also support more applications. He said diablo 3 power leveling, "we want to support any necessary back-endReminder function. "(Lebang.NET.CN) Others:

