
world of tanks power leveling 129756442802343750_67 - UFV

129756442802343750_67Hexun homepage established mobile mobile microblogging net news blog rating the stock/fund top holdings fengji dividend notice of new funds introduction to Shen foreclosure service rate filter books NewsDialog private position, original analysis of thematic classroom reviews venture capital overseas column scrolling viewpoint microblogging fengji financial calendar Fund Forum funds supermarket new products hexun.com Fund > body font size print RSS March 201207th source: under information times in the international oil prices surged, domestic petroleum fund set up by slightly over the same period last year wot power leveling, and as of Friday, Warburg industrial p net growth rate of 7.3% of the upstream oil and gas since the establishment of the Fund, net growth rate in the past 1 month, 34, only ranked first in the same type of product;Lion net growth in oil and gas since the establishment of the Fund was 3.7%.   Is investment in oil and gas, why the difference huge, press Advisory about the Galaxy fund analysts. Investments in oil and gas in the oil and gas industry chain in three different funds, us and promise ' an investment in its oil and gas Fund range is full of oil and gas industry chain, Warburg on industrial p focuses on upstream oil and gas FundVisit mining operations, industry in the upper weights up to 77%. Investment in upstream investment in industry and the whole industrial chain is reflected in the difference between the two: upstream oil and gas operations on the one hand reflect the scarcity of resources more visible, for upstream oil and gas stock equity currently is a national strategic resource, is extremely difficult to obtain, with PetroChina, Sinopec as an example, the two upstream oil and gas companies account for more thanVery low, very high degree of contribution to profit wot power leveling, PetroChina upstream revenue accounted for more than just 16.09% world of tanks power leveling, but upstream profit ratio as high as 87.66%. The other hand, shares can be completely in the upper transmission oil and gas prices, so the correlation between crude oil prices are very high and, even in the long-term rising trend in oil prices could jump the price of oil itself is betterTracking the price of oil. Type three existing oil and gas Fund of funds products for QDII products, QDII product requires investment of higher professional degrees, financial experts suggested that past performance factors should serve as an important reference. Industrial p upstream oil and gas facility of Warburg and us p oil LOF Fund of funds are passive, tracking objects, respectively p stoneOil and gas upstream of stock index biaopu index of global oil, two index base period in 1999 and 2000 respectively, and there were more than 10 years of historical results for investors ' reference. Lion oil and gas energy fund for proactive FOF, asset of the investment fund of no less than 60%, followed with a combination of active and passive investment strategies, investment resultsDepends to a large extent on subjective factors such as investment management of the Fund. In addition, the lower operating costs of passive products, China Fortune SGAM and huaan Fund years of oil and gas management rates and hosting rates are lower, slightly higher rates for Lion oil and gas Fund because, Lion oil and gas investment fund FOF section is proactive fund investor to assume the dual management fee.

