
diablo 3 power leveling the game had raised only 6Thousands of dollars. In 2011 - NAL

129757017011562500_9Qiankuan games on Kickstarter to raise $ 8 million United States venture capital financing platform Kickstarter is a raised platform for personal projects, committed to the support and encouragement of innovation, creativity, and creative activities. Platform to raise funds from the public through the network, so creative people could get the funds they need, so that their dreams can come true. On the GDC, KickstarterPlatform CindyAu and shared a Kickstarter to help independent game development team. In the platform, the game is one of the fastest growing categories – there are 1239 gaming has been published so far diablo 3 power leveling, attracted more than $ 8 million to date. Development speed is amazing, website set up for the first year, the game had raised only 6Thousands of dollars. In 2011, raised $ 3.8 million so far. And in 2012, because DoubleFine joined the project, so far has raised $ 3.6 million. (Edit: DoubleFine is a Development Studio in fundraising on Kickstarter platform, only 2 games in development, to 220th raise more than US $ 2 million). Double Fine games average investments of US $ 42. Plans to raise funds for each project on average US $ 5,200 tera gold, and successful projects typically raise two times the size of this number – $ 11,200. But for results, games project success rate is not high, with only 2% Of games finished. Currently only Kickstarter platform United States open project diablo 3 gold, but Cindy said they plan to internationalize your Web site.

