
wot power leveling strengthening vocational training - THW

129756355353437500_85Page 1th page 2nd page 3rd network, March 7 session of the national people's Congress of China five meetings news 7th MUI Asia Center multi-function Hall this afternoon at a press conference. Yin Weimin, Deputy Foreign Minister Hu Xiaoyi, Minister of human resources and social security will be "current employment situation in China and the development of social security" related questions from Chinese and foreign reportersThe Hon. Following is a text record: Zhong Xuequan: distinguished journalist friend: good afternoon. In response to community concern, problems of employment and social security in China, news was honored to be invited to the head of Department of human services and social security on the current employment situation in China and the development of social security, a topic to answer everyone's questions. They are: human resources and socialSecurity Minister Yin Weimin, Deputy Minister Hu Xiaoyi.   Yin said a few words below. Mr Yin: from the friends you good afternoon. Today, I and my colleague Mr Hu Xiaoyi jointly met with journalists, we are very pleased to be able to answer you questions.   Thank you.   Zhong Xuequan: thank you Minister yin, please ask questions below. RoadReporter: I have a question about Chinese on the use of staff, recently Foxconn enterprises in Guangdong Province, such as a series of issues relating to staff welfare, we think these Chinese firms he hired employees of the exploitation, which are produced by the company products have been used by large companies such as Apple. What the Chinese Government will take measures to cope with the qExam? Mr Yin: since the beginning of reform and opening up, China has attracted a number of foreign, foreign-funded enterprises has made contributions to China's economic development, has also played a positive role in promoting. We understand the situation, foreign-funded enterprises in terms of employment as a whole is to abide by Chinese laws and regulations, in accordance with China's relevant laws, including the labour code, the labour contract Act, pay attention to the dimensionsProtect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, strengthening the management of enterprises and employment. We also note, of course, there also exist some problems, such as overtime issues, such as problems of the low wages, such as the lack of humane care of problems, and so on. On these issues, relevant departments of the Chinese Government and the Trade Union are strengthening supervision and management. Our LordMeasures: first, further perfect the relevant laws and regulations; and second, strengthening labor supervision and inspection on the enterprise, in particular the labour inspection law enforcement departments, enterprises violated the labor contract law severely investigate and deal with the relevant acts of third, strengthen guidance for enterprise and employment, and urge enterprises to improve the production and living conditions of workers, strengthening the humanistic care; IV, publicize, create aA good employment environment.   Thank you. China Central television and China network TV Reporter: I would like to ask the Minister yin a problem, recently approved by the State Council of the "Twelve-Five" in planning for employment I noticed this line: "Twelve-Five" period of China's employment situation will be more complicated. May I ask the Secretary, what is the meaning behind this sentence? In China this yearNumber of graduates to reach 6.8 million, can be said to record again, then we have specific measures to solve their employment problems?   Thank you. China is a developing country with more than 1.3 billion people, is also a labor power, solving the employment problem is that the party and the Government faces a major livelihood issue. Currently, total employment situation in ChinaThe body is stable. You may have noticed, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said at the Government work report has been out: 2011 China town new jobs at 12.21 million. The figure was the highest in history. At the same time, China's registered unemployment rate last year was 4.1%, was at a historical low level. Last year more than 10 million rural surplus labor force transfer fromFor the first two months of this year, One to the February new China town 1.93 million, over the same period last year increased 130,000.   This data indicates that the current employment situation in China was generally stable. But we are also soberly aware, China still faced with tremendous pressure in employment, the principal contradiction is the amount of pressure and structural contradictions coexist。 This year called total pressure is need for employment of up to 25 million people in cities and towns, of which more than half are youth employment, that is, secondary school graduates. We also have 9 million to 10 million rural surplus labor transfer of employment, so the total pressure is very large. On the other is the structural contradictions. The so-called structural contradiction is what you haveKnow, wide media coverage: recruitment and employment exist side by side.   Recruitment difficulties manifested mainly in the shortage of technicians and General Worker also, employment is mainly college students ' employment. The party and the Government attached great importance to the work on employment and the livelihood of this job, as a top priority to protect and improve people's livelihood, as a priority objective of economic and social development. We take the followingMeasures: first, the implementation of a more active employment policy, in particular the effective employment policies and macro-economic policy convergence, in economic development at the same time promoting the increase of more jobs, it is a linchpin of the State and second, strengthening vocational training, to improve the employability of workers and third, solve the employment problem of key groups, including colleges and universitiesEmployment problems of the industry, employment of rural surplus labor force transfer issues, employment issue of urban employment difficulties, employment problems of retired Army personnel; IV, vigorously encourage and guide the enterprise-led employment; v, do a good job of public service work, provides better platform for communication between workers and jobs demand and services, creating a good job CentralBorder. Is also very concerned about the employment of graduates of colleges and universities, University graduates reached 6.6 million last year, first-time employment reached 78%. And two years ago was largely, but due to the increase in the number, has accordingly increased the employment of college graduates in more than 200,000. Number of university graduates reached 6.8 million this year, but the whole "Twelve-Five"During the peak period of employment of college graduates are in a number of, an average of about 7 million. For the employment of university graduates, the party and the Government attach great importance to, and we solve the employment problem of college graduates as a priority. Key initiatives include: first, expanding areas of employment of college graduates, opening up more jobs suitable for college graduates, CollegeBetter play to their role of health; the second, encourage and guide the graduates to the grass-roots level, to the Midwest, to the small and medium enterprises employment, Central and Western regions, SMEs need a lot of talent, University graduates to better play its role in these places third, guidance and encourage university graduates entrepreneurship, we particularly hope that the graduates to create aSome of the science and technology of small and medium enterprises and give play to their talent, and for employment, entrepreneurship is a multiplier effect; IV, strengthen employment service for graduates, Internet recruiting, strengthening recruitment campus events each year during the summer graduation, are graduates of specialized employment service month, week of service activities, provided for the employment of college graduatesGreat service. I am very confident in China in the process of socio-economic development, maintaining stability in the employment situation in China, the national economic and social development, on the meaning of social stability is very important.   Thank you. China economic times, China economic news reporter: enterprises and institutions now retirees difference in treatment of a large wot power leveling, strong reactions among the massesStates as soon as possible take measures to resolve the dual problem of retirement?   Thank you. Mr Yin: I noticed that the two sessions this year ahead of major news media request for ten hot issues of concern to people on two sessions, the website to list the social security in the first place. In the area of social security that we are concerned about is that the reporter's poor retirementIssue. Poor retirement was because we are different as a result of the retirement system. As you know, we pushed ahead of the social security system in State enterprises world of tanks power leveling, and that this system has been improved and move forward. But our bodies and institutions is different from the enterprise retirement pension system. These are two different systems. These two systems in the basic old-age pensions-totalMeasures and adjustment are different, so producing such poor treatment. Poor treatment of this problem, we, as social insurance authorities attach great importance to. As we all know, we have basic pension for enterprise retirees for eight consecutive years, annual adjustments in recent years are up to 10%. On this basis, we focus on with senior titleRetired personnel of enterprises of tilt, level generally adjust their treatment on the basis of the increase, some relief to this glaring contradiction. In the long run, to solve this problem is to promote organ and the reform of endowment insurance system. Last year on this issue have made the principle provisions of the Social Insurance Act, we are now inActively promote now trial reform of endowment insurance in five provinces, we concluded to perfect this system on a pilot basis, to an appropriate time to be introduced nationwide. On this basis, we shall promote the reform of personnel system of pension insurance. So I think the most fundamental solution still is to promote the endowment insuranceInstitutional reform.   Thank you. Taiwan industrial and commercial times: China's economy is actively the transformation and upgrade, will provide plenty of opportunities, but many enterprises in the process of the transformation and upgrading of the pain, some scholars proposed that the Government can have difficulty by means of financial subsidies for enterprise five-insurance expenditures so as to exchange for gold don't cut, this method feasible? In addition, the minimumWages are revised each year to two digits, would it be possible in the future to consider the environment in General and the particular circumstances of individual needs of the corresponding adjustment of the minimum wage increase? Mr Yin: small and medium enterprises is the main body to solve the employment problem, currently roughly 80% of the urban employment personnel in small and medium enterprises. For some of the difficulties of small and medium enterprises, the Government is paying a certain amount ofEmployment policy support to encourage them to take, this is one of our policies. But the policy in different stages have different emphasis on different people, we at the height of the financial crisis, for example, in 2009, we announced a policy called "four minus three of five slow subsidy" policy, this policy is under the impact of the financial crisis a difficult enterprise helpPolicy. The so-called "five slow" is as long as it is deemed to be enterprises, five social insurance can be slow; the so-called "four-cut" is a problem other than old-age insurance, social insurance may be appropriate in other four lower; problem jobs, retain jobs at the same time the granting of social security benefits, jobs, training subsidies. The policy response to the financial crisis, the steadySituation in the industry have played a positive role.   Now, we still have some small and medium enterprises to attract employment, including employment wot power leveling, employment difficulties of university graduates employment social security, training subsidies, it should be said that this is the employment problem of our country a good policy. On the adjustment of the minimum wage issue last year in 25 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) to adjust the minimumWage adjustment has reached 22%, the adjustments are made in the preceding year's 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), adjusted on the basis of the minimum wage. Last year 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) adjustment of the minimum wage standards at 24%. With the "Twelve-Five" of planning requirements, "Twelve-Five" during the annual adjustment of the minimum wage of not less than 13%。 We know, of course, present enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises operation encountered a number of difficulties, of course, are many factors, labor cost is an important factor. On the adjustment of the minimum wage, we have been in line with a positive and sound manner. Our final idea is to enable enterprises to be developed, allowing workers ' wages are toHas increased, reaching a win-win situation. Thank you. 123 next page (Editor: LV Qiang)

