
diablo 3 gold but BMW X1 - EQB

129756037287343750_11Reporter Du Yang on March 3, 2012 diablo 3 gold, BMW made X1 GA. This BMW SUV class was the first to introduce the domestic models, is the most advanced double-first equipped with a BMW Turbo-tube single-Turbo 4-cylinder engine (Twin-Power Turbo) of home-made BMW models, but also BMW tiexi factoryA model. "BMW's homemade X1, mark de three main vehicle in the domestic competition has begun to transfer into the SUV market. "BMW's homemade X1, analysts said. In recent years, domestic SUV market remained popular, entering the market segment is clearly the best way to quickly increase sales, while BMW, as the last home-made SUV models of vehicle brand, how to enhance its competitiveness has become particularly important.  The X1 listed a total of 6 models, priced at $ 282,000 ~49.8.  No competitor? At the launch event, BMW marketing Senior Vice President Charles Dailey said the survey for BMW, X1 have broad market prospects, consumers age location is 2Between 5~35sui. "In this segment, BMW X1 without competitors.  "Dere said confidently.  In a broad market prospects of the market has no competitors, it may be that each car manufacturer willing to see things, BMW X1 this confidence people have to pay special attention to. According to the 2011 BMW X1 sold more than 1.50,000 units, an increase of 180%. Dere says "after the domestic, BMW X1 price greater competitiveness, in 2012, the domestic sales increase for BMW X1 certainly will be more than 100%. "Before the BMW X1 domestic, imports in 2009 in the domestic introduction, price range is $ 367,000 ~56.5. You can see is,Postpartum, the price range $ 282,000 ~49.8 has hit a new, imports low compared to $ 80,000. For competitors, and after, many people mistakenly think that the BMW X1 competitor is the Audi Q5 and Mercedes-Benz GLK, but from the size will be able to draw a negative answer. Coupled with a starting price of $ 280,000, in this sense, home-made BMWX1 really seems to have no competition.  Because from now on the market, there is no lower than X1 location luxury brand of SUV sales.  Pressures that will continue to be so in the future, BMW X1 also has been in uncontested dominance of it? Obviously such a situation will not last long. Now, although the direct competitor of BMW X1, andAlready made the Audi Q5 and Mercedes-Benz GLK, but future production of the Audi Q3 and Mercedes BLK new car can become a strong competitor for the BMW X1. At present diablo 3 gold, according to Audi news, Audi Q3 will be introduced during the year this year domestically diablo 3 power leveling, and in the future taking into account domestic, Audi Q3 in Europe from the sale price of � 29900 (about RMB 28.8Million), after importing domestic, prices are likely to be around $ 350,000, and future domestic prices are expected to reach $ 300,000 or less. Which compete directly with BMW X1 formation. Benz, BLK has not yet been listed, go home and be made in the future seems more distant, but BMW X1, Benz models also is not without competition. According to news, Domestic GLK will be listed before the Beijing auto show this year, listing 3.0L, price is expected to be $ 350,000, Beijing Benz and then most likely carried on the domestic GLK 1.8T or 1.6T engine to further lower the price to BMW X1 is a competitive situation. "Compared to the Audi Q3, or 1.6TChi, GLK, X1 competitiveness was very limited. "A long fixated on BMW, analysts told a press conference," said the BMW X1 domestic, its biggest selling point there are two, one is the power of the new system, there is a price that is lower. If the price in the same conditions, then X1 can only rely on power to contend. But the actualShang, Audi Q3 X1 and dynamic parameters of 2.0T are basically the same. While X1 then there is a clear lack of, that is, its chassis was developed based on a car, compared to Q3 and GLK SUV chassis is comparable to some. "BMW X1 clearly and will not in the future, as said Dere, no opponent, but BMW, X1Means a lot. "No matter how X1 future market competition, cannot be denied is that after BMW X1 domestic, BMW's biggest benefits is rapid sales growth, which makes Audi and Mercedes-Benz and BMW, can hold the initiative in a good position. "The analysts said. Others:

