
the secret world gold the US closed. The Nikkei continued to rise. On the trend - WSG

129742939272187500_181Notes on movements today star wars the gold republic credits, CSI 300, high low open, minimum 2539.9, high 2574.75, closed 2540.71 up 3.62 points or 0.14%, sold for $ 56.75 billion. Stock index futures, closed main IF1203 2549.8, up 14.6 points, or 0.56%. Increase in total four contract positions 6,705, 53,027 hand, total turnover reduced sharply. Market analysis of message, 0.5% 1, central banks cut deposit reserve rate. All stopped up, 2 per cent from the cities for the first time. 3, mass construction of high-speed rail project in China this year as a result of funds go hungry to idle. 11 4, brokers ' recommendation letter to regulator, promote reform of new shares. 5, from the China foreign exchange trading centerLatest data showed that Yuan central parity rate against the dollar today 6.2938, rose by 13 basis points in the previous session. 6, today, Bank of Shanghai interbank offered rate (Shibor) O/N 4.7792, rose 28.34 (BP); other time nearly up, far down. Analysis of Central Bank unexpectedly announced on Saturday at eight o'clock in the evening on February 24th 50 basis point reduction, markets generally believe that it is not called a "relaxed", but sound. We believe that reducing the reserve is marginal liberal funds in favour of improving the current tension; in general 20.5% deposit reserve rate is still too high, the current real economies comparison difficult, February CPI will have fallen sharply, steady growth and arduous tasks. So, the market is generally considered notTo lower deposit rates. 70 cities housing prices stopped rising, real estate regulatory effect; tune your direction is to encourage necessary purchases in the future. Written brokerage regulator, promote reform of new shares, news that substantive measures in the near future, new found a more market-oriented, this is a long-term impact on the market. Shibor short-term interest rates continued to rally, notes money is very tight, Other 1W interest rates rise again, shows that the reduction effect in General. Neighbouring markets warhammer gold, Iran announced the stops to the United Kingdom and France for oil, Nymex crude rises $ 1.6 in early trading, and at one point broke through 105 dollars/barrel; Monday United States Presidents day the secret world gold, the US closed. The Nikkei continued to rise. On the trend, CSI 300, high low open, one hand drop to boost short-term marketPopularity, on the other hand Shibor displayed lack of short-term funds, overall more cautious. Gain more shares, real estate, power unit was in hot pursuit, junior and GEM stocks are also active. Weight stronger in early trading banks and real estate, but by midday gains narrow. Cycle unit as a whole is still better. From a technical point of view, along 5th averages 300 index trend is notVolumes combined with fair. On policy, bargain buying, rising in the middle line. (Yang Guoying) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

