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129773184442656250_125Hexun homepage established mobile mobile microblogging net news blog rating the stock/fund top holdings fengji dividend notice of new funds introduction to Shen foreclosure service rate filter books NewsDialog original ETF special topics scroll view classroom reviews venture capital private equity holdings abroad column fengji microblogging financial calendar Fund Forum funds supermarket new products hexun.com Fund > body font size print RSS 2012March 26 source: hexun Fund author: de Santa Fund Research Center (1) this week's a-share market swings down, short style continued to fast round. Under the influence of gasoline and diesel prices swtor credits, value of blue-chip companies overall performance style behind, and ferrous resources such as top class cycle slightly stronger, stock market is still more obvious. Industry performanceView, non-periodic growth industries such as pharmaceutical, wholesale and retail sectors to a correction, sustainability is not strong. ����Positions from the Fund operations, weeks before the market decreased in the Fund this week but still increase in warehouse operations, increased average size of market, which warehouse funds have also climbed to a high of 40%. (2) calculation according to the March 22 positions, this week on the stock fundPosition to continue to increase over the previous week. Comparable weighted average active equity fund positions to 84.66%, rising over the previous weeks 1.55%; share weighted average positions of 79.72% of mixed type Fund, increased over the previous week by 1.31%; configuration mixed Fund's weighted average positions of 72.64%, over the previous week by 1.75%. Measured during the CSI 300Index basic collection, after the deduction of the passive position changes, unit Fund initiative to increase more significantly (Chart 2). (3) other types of non-stock investment funds this week stock positions to rise. , Weighted average space 6.25% of the capital preservation fund, over the previous week fell 0.72%; Bond Fund's weighted average stock size 11.24%, Over the previous week to increase 1.01%; of 30.68% mixed Fund's weighted average debt positions, increased over the previous weeks 1.59%. (4) from the Division of different sizes swtor credits, three sizes of weighted average stock fund positions has increased significantly. Three types of initiative to fund a share, weighted average position large fund 79.61%, over the previousWeek 0.94%. Medium weighted average positions of the Fund 82.62%, increased over the previous weeks 1.7%. ����Weighted average positions of small 82.17%, increased over the previous weeks 1.57%. (5) specific funds, Fund holdings of mainstream operations went on for weeks before this week, efforts to increase slightly. After deduction of passive position changes, 232Fund initiative to increase more than 2%, 63 of which initiative to increase bunker more than 5%. ����Jiancang funds weeks before and the number of basic, active jiancang 71 funds more than 2%, 20 of which active jiancang over 5%. (6) the distribution fund level positions this week: top holdings Fund (position 85%) than the 42.26%, over the previous week a substantial increase5.32%; positions of heavy Fund (position 75%~85%) than the 22.26%, than a micro-drop 0.65%; positions intermediate Fund (position 60%~75%) than for 13.71%, significantly reduced 4.19% percentage; position light or light warehouse funds accounted for more than 21.77%, 0.5% micro-percentage drop. (7) this week the stock marketFell continued turbulence, adverse factors have played a leading role in economic fundamentals. HSBC PMI index hit 4-month low, indicates that the economy is still in a free fall in the channel and sharp rise in oil prices is worrying the market. But judging from the operations of the Fund, General level position is the trend of rising, indicating that funds or that the economic downturn has not exceeded expectations and resulting policy realRelax there you can expect the space. Particular positions Under weight is orientated towards the systematic promotion of the Fund positions, suggesting that for this year as a whole is definitely optimistic bias the judgement has become mainstream. Positions from nearly two months of Fund operations, however, funds in the short-term effect of increase or decrease in warehouse wherein market short-term effect of increased bunker doubtful; cartridge Fund share is close to 50% highThe Fund weakening the influence of positions in operations, forming a reverse index effects of short-term market concerns. (8) specific funds from the company, as the light warehouse facility increases warehouse, the dramatic decrease in the amount of the Fund substantially increased warehouse this week. Some Fund positions of levels up quickly from around 70% to 80% above, that part of the funds are mainly small and medium-sized companies, such asGolden Eagle, sea, fidelity, such as Guo Hai, Yasunobu. Large fund companies Fund positions change is relatively small, and generally in high level positions. Jiancang Fund, capital preservation fund jiancang significantly this week, for the phased return POT to highlight different operation styles, such as capital preservation, Yinhua capital preservation (180,002 Fund), Jin and Yuan dynasties diablo 3 power leveling, such as capital preservation. In addition, while some fund choices of heavy bunker jiancang. Others:

