
diablo 3 gold this number increased to 73.49%. This means that - UUI

129770761457031250_152Released in January last year and net earnings of more than 65%, Guizhou moutai (600,519) punches again, results for the recently issued letters, this number increased to 73.49%. This means that, even in the last year Guizhou maotai stores maintained per bottle $ 959 "limit orders", daily net profit is still as high as 0.$ 2.4 billion. With the increased demands on performance, industry analysts expect Mao-type "direct store brand" almost no suspense.   For distributors of moutai as the rapid accumulation of capital, and sharp planning direct store will no doubt picked up a storm. In accordance with the higher-than-expected performance of express 2011 moutai revenues of over $ 18.4 billion, compared to the previous yearLong 58.19%, operating profit to $ 12.34 billion, increased substantially, by 72.27%. Earnings per share also soared 73.49%, reaching $ 8.44.   Yesterday diablo 3 gold, the news, moutai closed 212.02, 3.25%. "Ever higher" performance, pressure and impulse of moutai profit growth can be expected will be more challenging。 On March 22, maotai, in its official online published an article on the booster in Guizhou maotai World article first revealed, moutai total Group profits, profits, taxes, and other indicators of country liquor industry. According to reports, moutai group will make sure that the "Twelve-Five" end of moutai Group achieved sales revenue of more than $ 80 billion, around 2017 year exceeded 100 billion yuan. Last year, Moutai group sales revenues were $ 23.7 billion. "Direct store set up is the year the company boost profits a few years after a major bright spot. "Moutai to hand over the letters, through research reports, analyst at shenyin wanguo, Mao-this year is expected to establish 30 direct store, plans to" Twelve-Five "can reach 120 at the end. The analysts also expected in 2012And 2013 new volume, 50% to put to direct store. A lading according to millions of information, at present in Guizhou maotai has thousands of stores tera gold, but only 13 direct store. As early as the end of last year, Mao-senior dealer Conference held in Guangzhou in the outpouring of dissatisfaction with some of that they ignored the company's repeated injunctionsThe pursuit of profit, as a quick way to accumulate funds maotai. "A lading soon available on hundreds of thousands of millions. In order to circumvent the company investigated and dealt with through various means, some set up several companies go the right hand on the left hand. "The moutai high said, cause consumers see Mao or not to Mao, complaints out of stock, said Mao-bad faith, managing not toBit.   High profits problems for intermediate links, earlier media reports by shouting out "opening stores to bring you millions of words", and quoted Mao-Shenyang Office means, "began in August or September to stop stores from last year approved, within half a year should be down." Obviously, maotai through direct store can achieve multiple objectives, including reducingFewer intermediaries, recycling some channel terminal profits, control market prices.   Profit recovery and smooth the support of dealers, is still doubtful. Senior express of moutai, direct sales company and the store is a new marketing model and the new requirements of the market, direct store and the area, what is the relationship between the various markets diablo 3 gold, companies are Mao-the need to address issues such as how. Others:

