
tera power leveling the 17th session of the People's Republic of China Law on social insurance - DZ

129770871314531250_32Gu Xinxin meditations on health reform (I) in the development of China Minsheng, critical to the reform of the health system, in particular reform of the health care system, even more peoples attention. Health system reform is important and the concerns of the community continued to remain at high levels, natural medical career is at stake is the people's health and lives。  Since 2005, the "expensive", "difficulty" became one of the biggest social problems in China, reform of the health care system has become one of the biggest challenges of the reform and development of people's livelihood. Universal health care without Government-in fact, as far as China's medical system problems, the Government's largest and primary responsibility should be to promoteDemand-side reform, established a system of universal coverage of medical insurance, or "universal health care" is abbreviated as "universal health care". In short, to achieve universal healthcare, is the primary logo of the new healthcare reform to the public. Many people believe that universal health care is a matter of strategic importance, so it must be led by the Government. Critical analysis, that only halfIs justified.   Implementation of universal health care cannot be separated from the Government, but it has nothing to do with whether universal health care is of strategic importance, but the same medical care related to characteristics of the service itself. Specifically, the provider of health care services, or "health care institution" or "third party buyer" can be an insurance institution, or a government agency。 Medical insurance or health insurance, are administered by for-profit and non-profit organizations provided through the market, can also be set up by the State to host public institutions.   Therefore, health care services can be provided by market mechanisms, in the real world, and products is provided by the health insurance company insured health care. However, regardless of the health policy theoryExperience in human history have proved, if upholding the principle of voluntary market provides, in order to achieve universal coverage of health care is difficult to blue sky. United States is the most developed country in the world, but also in the developed economies only countries not achieving universal coverage, mainly because United States determined to maintain a voluntary commercial insurance-dominated health careSystem. In fact, in many countries, including in commercial medical insurance is the most developed of the United States, Government involvement in the health care field is quite deep.   United States Federal Government for establishing health insurance for the elderly, the Federal Government and the State Government established a health insurance for the poor, the State Government stepped in for most of the children have health insurance. Facts, In order to deal with problems in the health insurance market, the Government there are two solutions: one is to make up for the lack of market, this is the United States model features; another is the correction of market failures, the use of Government force the establishment of public health-care system, forcing all people insured on the one hand, on the other hand and paid the mode of financing of health care standards are clearly defined.This means that Medicare cannot simply rely on the market operation of the construction and consummation of medical insurance, and must be dependent on the Government's participation in, and the country using its legal force is one of the necessary conditions to move towards universal coverage of the health care system. Healthcare payment reform: new medical reform core of the second half of 2005, the community on the new healthcare reformPath of a controversy, the controversy still affects the Chinese medical system reform of public choice. Due to various factors, in particular government financial factor and path dependence in the development of China's social medical insurance system, the State chose the new health reform in a gradual way of reform path toward universal health insurance. In particular, is GongFixing and improving the existing three major public health insurance, basic medical insurance for urban workers basic medical insurance for urban residents, a new type of rural cooperative medical system, coupled with the urban and rural medical aid system, together form the "basic medical security system", respectively covering on urban employment and non-employment of the population in cities and towns, rural populations and difficulties of urban and rural populations. October 28, 2010 by the 11thSession of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress adopted and in effect on July 1, 2011, the 17th session of the People's Republic of China Law on social insurance, urban residents of the urban employee medical insurance tera gold, medical insurance and new cooperative within the scope of social medical insurance.   It can be said that universal health insurance a basic legal framework has been laid. However, universal health careFaces a major challenge--if rapid growth trend of the medical expenses were not controlled, so health insurance fund will be overwhelmed, sustainable development will suffer a serious challenge, will ultimately prejudice universal coverage as a result of the public welfare. Therefore, of universal health insurance in the most profound challenge is how the health insurance providers for medical services imposing effective restraint andControl, prompting them to provide cost-effective medical services to the insured. One of the key, is how health care institutions to pay medical institutions. Medicare payment reform refers to health care institutions use specialized instruments, representing the interests of insured persons, using new ways of paying, reasonable medical services for insured persons to purchase. Only in this way, healthcare agency role to"Who pays the passive" transition "initiative group". To do this, must be replaced by combinations of multiple billing projects pay a leading, provider of healthy competition in the market of medical services.   Of course, this question really is not just China's problem, but a global problem. In a sense, health insurance billingReform is at the core of global healthcare. From the "who pays the passive" transition "initiative group", is critical to health care development. In a sense, health insurance more important than funding links paid links, because only the paid aspects of the service level has increased, to effectively promote financing for the work carried out. For the majority of insured persons, participating in medical insuranceMost look forward to is when the doctor treat to enjoy reasonable treatment and medication services, that is, cost-effective services. If health-care organizations to represent their interests, encourage proper diagnosis and treatment in medical institutions, rational drug use, people will naturally have a lot of willingness to participate in medical insurance, insurance payment there is no longer a difficult task. In such a case tera power leveling, the basic health insurance expanded coverage tera gold, Would have made sense. Conversely, if the health-care system was finally built, but worked hard to raise the health insurance fund is not spent in a clever way, to medical institutions by "excessive medical" eroded much of the way, insured persons will have the confidence to continue insurance? It can be said that in basic medical insurance after coverage has been broadened to such an extent, And Medicare pay reform became the core of universal health care reform. (The author is Professor School of public administration, Peking University) Others:

