
tera power leveling in fifth - ORL

129784631197397500_63Mentor: Wang Zhelin need to practice good body Liu Yudong: against Wang Zhelin good performance at the Global Summit to a lot of people cheering for him, many believe he will be the next to enter the NBA players in China. However, the coaches of men's basketball in Fujian xiaoguangbi say Wang Zhelin CIC must be strengthened to better development. 79,723 xiaoguangbi Bole Wang Zhelin is found tera gold, he is very clear about Wang Zhelin. "I didn't seeThe game, so I don't know how his performance. "Xiaoguangbi said. Reporters tell xiaoguangbi, at the last moment, Wang Zhelin built down a dunk. "The power of his arm and waist and abdomen also needs to be strengthened tera power leveling, it is his most important task at this stage, you want to put the body in good shape. "Xiaoguangbi said. In the match, Wang Zhelin free throw penalty in only 3 6, penaltyBall will be his weakness? In response, xiaoguangbi said: "his free throws normally can also, in team in training when his free throw percentage well. May be the approaches to the State is not good at the game. "This match Wang Zhelin twice in the outer line of the shooting were not hit. Xiaoguangbi said: "when in the province tera power leveling, we have asked him to strengthen the CIC. He wants in the futureBetter development, CIC must also be strengthened. He does not need to go to an outside line Trey, but CIC near the free throw line, he must be strengthened. His height to be better, in fifth, you must increase the attack range. Teams and may last for a period of time in the country the font size, is the basket of technologies to learn more, come back, still want him to strengthen the Fund's practice, orThis will be his weakness. "Liu Yudong in Fujian before the concerned parents of little fellow Wang Zhelin is men and women's basketball players, more than two people are 1.9 meters tall, which has laid a solid genetic Foundation for him. Wang Zhelin was born in 1994, a strong basketball atmosphere of his early interest in basketball. 5 grade in primary schools, 11 Wang Zhelin has begunReceive professional training, then he has up to 1.7 m in height. At that time, it was predicted that small zhelin Fujian men's basketball team, has the potential to be hope for the future. It is worth mentioning that, as "God" fellow of Liu Yudong, Wang Zhelin every move has been big brother concerns. In the four-nation tournament green beats Australia after team, Liu Yudong in an interview on the small junior fellow apprentice praiseSay, "his talents very well, technology is comprehensive. On the pitch played very aggressive on the pitch are a threat. "Since then, Liu Yudong did not forget it in your personal tweets up," I know Wang Zhelin is currently is very prominent in the younger generation of players, talented, very hard, want to keep well ambitious mind, strengthening the body's ability to fight,Improving the movement of solid. �� Others:

