
tera power leveling Is also a saddle-steel structure - RIG

129773909011875000_37You are here: Home > Home > Guide today from: time: March 27, 12 author: Xu Xuecheng font size: big, like selling cars, selling private jet, this has become a reality in Zhuhai, although it is still considered a luxury "games". A few days ago,First domestic private-jet fixed-base operator (FBO)--West sharp General Aviation Ltd landing in Zhuhai in Zhuhai. Considered a "printing money" of China's low altitude is becoming more and more crowded. Chinese aircraft owners and Pilots Association statistics show that at present, the China general aviation companies have registered more than 110, last year alone, waiting reviewOver 70 companies, great potential blowout of. First enterprise test water FBO on March 23, the daily economic news reporters came to the General Aviation Centre in Zhuhai.   The Centre is located in the East of the Zhuhai Airport, from the past just 5 minutes ' walk of the terminal building. On March 16 of this year, called a "Pearl haixirui General Aviation co" (followingZhuhai West for short sharp) Enterprise officially established.   Zhuhai West provide material display sharpening, Zhuhai where business aviation centre currently has 650 square meters of passenger service centre, 2,806 square metres of private light aircraft hangars, 1600 square metres of business aircraft hangar and aircraft parking area of 3,100 square meters. As early as November 20107th, producer of the FBO has been established, but from the FBO to the official "General Aviation Corporation", Zhuhai West, sharp has also spent about a year through the introduction of handled aircraft, aircraft "three certificates" and through the audit of the Civil Aviation Department approved the "trilogy". Zhuhai West sharp Sales Manager described Mr Jeffrey CHAN, the company established only at the beginning of aircraft sales, and later, the company wants to United StatesHas moved to China to FBO operations maturity model.   From the beginning of 2011, the company began to apply for "General Aviation Corporation" status. In accordance with the relevant provisions, applying for the qualification required to own at least two aircraft. At present, the Zhuhai West sharp has made United States West sharp airplane company tera gold, United States helicopters Engstrom's sales company in China, maintaining, as well asUnited States VAN'S light aircraft company, United States Gl sport aircraft Assembly company in China, sales and maintenance of qualifications.   , The major model is priced at $ 3 million and $ 5 million. In addition to aircraft sales, Zhuhai West sharp also provided aircraft managed, flight training, aircraft maintenance and other services. Mr Jeffrey Chan said there are 14 customers signedThe buying intentions until after the Civil Aviation Department for approval to deliver.   This reporter has learned, Zhuhai West General Aviation Center office building in which the original sharpening that Zhuhai Airport international flights Terminal, in the actual operation of the airport does not have international flights, so as a General Aviation Center locations. Earnings depend on after-sales service in Zhuhai West Rui Chen Shaochang tera power leveling, General Manager,Is also a saddle-steel structure, the General Manager of Liaoning province, he also dabbled in real estate.   Data show that the Zhuhai sharp by Ji Linhan West star investment group and Liaoning saddle-group formation, registered capital of RMB 40 million Yuan. According to Mr Jeffrey Chan said as formal operations, the company's total investment is more than $ 100 million and annual operating costs only expectedUp to $ 5 million.   United States West sharp Chief Representative for China, Jiang Li said when interviewed by the daily economic news reporter, Zhuhai West sharp sales price of the aircraft and transport prices are United States companies provide good, aircraft and shipping charges are borne by the buyer. Auto 4S shop mode is different from Zhuhai West, sharp said, price is the original price of the aircraft, heThey didn't increase power.   About shipping cost $ 35,000, pricing by the freight forwarding companies.   At present, the Zhuhai West main profit comes from the sharp after-sales service, which cost about the price of aircraft 15%.   Zhuhai West when sharpening with profitability? Chen Shaochang said earnings expectations from him for thisA judgment.   According to Chen Shaochang, fees are very high in this industry, keep a pilot cost more than $ 200,000 a year, at the same time, the industry also faces a risk policy and accident risks, so "sell less than a certain number, it is difficult to profit". Suppose Zhuhai West began to profit after 4 years sharpening, 4 years with an average annual cost of more than $ 30 million, whichMeans that the Zhuhai West sharp 40 prices per year for up to $ 5 million private jet service, and related investment in aircraft and $ 750,000 a year must be entered in Zhuhai West sharp "pockets" in order to "erase" the cost. Jetnet data according to industry information company, Chinese business machine market has grown to 200 aircraft scale, the industryGeneral considers that its annual growth rate of 20%.   According to this calculation, this year on the market as a whole new private aircraft or not up to 40 scale. Navigation enterprises of more than 110 wrestling low-altitude flight in China have been open enough, but general aviation area has been good, and is known as the "printing money" market, therefore, "low-level" has become more and moreCrowded.   Chinese aircraft owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) member and expert zhijie, Director of Member Services in an interview with the daily economic news reporter revealed that, at present, the amount of general aviation in national register of enterprises has more than 110, last year, more than 70 enterprises registered only to wait. "Blowout" is notDifficult to understand.   November 14, 2010, the State Council and the Central Military Commission officially published the views on deepening the reform of China's low altitude airspace management (short of the reforms), low altitude airspace classification made clear he would be designated low altitude airspace management and accelerate the deepening reform. The reforms are seen as positive signals of the China open at low altitudes tera power leveling,General aviation industry as well as private aviation services industry is optimistic about market prospects. China general aviation market Outlook to be mining.   Business jets Bombardier forecast one of the main producers, by 2030, Chinese business machine total to about 2,470. Zhuhai West sharp's plan is, "before the arrival of Thirteen-Five invest $ 50 billion in China, establishing 40Base form FBO network "Rui said Zhuhai West, major funding support from government subsidies and investors. Mr Jeffrey Chan said that General Aviation Center in Zhuhai, the hangar is free to use, "Government money to repair the runway at the airport, free of charge". He said Zhuhai West is currently building a similar project in the Zhenjiang sharpening, since there is no related, input may beUp to $ 7 billion. Investment consultants transportation researcher Shen Zhengyuan believes that Zhuhai West of sharp practice or some excesses. First, the high cost of private consumption, most people can't spend, massive expansion of private aircraft level 4S shop less in line with the national economy and, secondly, at present China's small form factor, light aircraft and helicopters, private jets has low-level permissionsFlight restrictions on flying at low altitude and more mature private aircraft market compared with the developed countries, have not yet established a system of after-sales service system in China. Others:

