
tera power leveling up to 528 billion yuan - FJA

129770868856406250_39 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera/gold">tera gold</a>Three telecom operators in China 2011 results have been announced.  The three carriers are significant growth in revenue last year, net profit was a upward trend tera gold, each aspect. China Mobile (micro-blogging) incremental increase, operating income rose by 8.8%, up to 528 billion yuan, net profit growth of 5.2%, reached $ 125.9 billion, growth slowed; benefited from3G, China Unicom (micro-blogging) explosion in mass production, revenues of $ 209.17 billion, net income of $ 4.23 billion, an increase of more than 20%; Telecom (micro-blogging) steady development, revenue reached 245.041 billion yuan, an increase of 11.45%, a net profit of 16.502 billion yuan, an increase of 7.53%. Three carriers results announcedThree major telecom operators 2011 results have been announced. China Mobile's earnings still smooth, total revenue and net income in the top, occupy a dominant position.  Last year revenues of $ 528 billion, net income of $ 125.9 billion today, earn 340 million, about 30 times for China Unicom, China Telecom 7.6 times, 6 times and the two times. China Mobile growthSlow, but the scale is still promoting its growth.  Publicly reported data show that China Mobile growth in revenues from 2005 to 2011 from 26.3% per cent respectively, profit growth from 28.3% per cent, respectively. Worthy of note is that while China Unicom to $ 4.23 billion net profit of only the phrase, in its growth is among the mostFast, at 20%, is nearly 4 times of China Mobile, China Telecom's nearly 2.6 times.  Unicom $ 209.17 billion in revenue last year, 22.2% per cent, much higher than the 11.45% of the 8.8% of China Mobile and China Telecom. In terms of mobile users, is still a big gap between the three operators: China Mobile net users last year 65.55 millionHouseholds, nearly 650 million customer households and China Unicom mobile user is close to 200 million; net 35.95 million China Telecom Mobile users, up to 126 million, mobile subscriber market share further up to 13%. On the total number of users, China Mobile's strong dominance, however, on the 3G user, three carriers of the gap is shrinking, in the last yearMoving an annual net increase of 30.51 million households into major growth at 3G, China Unicom and China Telecom added 3G 25.959 million and 24 million users respectively. At present, the number of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom 3G 51.21 million respectively, six households, and 40.01 million families, 40%, respectively, as well asMarket share of 29%, 3G three, entered the stage of intense competition.  By virtue of 3G of intelligent Terminal layout, large subsidies for business promotion and introduction of iPhone series handset, China Unicom and China Telecom 3G rapid user growth a good momentum of development. Move the active layout 4G results showed that 3G has becomePromote income growth of the first driving force of China Unicom, China Unicom 3G revenues of 327.400 million Yuan tera power leveling, up increasing 182., user-ARPU (average revenue per user) amounted to $ 110; and through the cooperation of China Telecom, and none other, relying on bundled with fixed-line, broadband and other forms of mobile users, and mastered a lot of high-end customer base, making it3G momentum is hard, its goal this year is $ iPhone and thousands of intelligent machines, led by Super 2G 3G scale achieved. China Mobile a r PU value of 2011 continues to decline from $ 71 to $, representing a decline of 2.  Because of its independent standard t-d system, on the market there is not enough rich and attractive mobile phone terminals. ButChina Mobile is not willing to be handing the 3G market, China Mobile is the full layout of 4G no 3G advantage network. Just retired Wang Jianzhou, China Mobile Chairman, TD-LTE (4G) defined as a pillar of future growth for China Mobile. In the view of Mr Wang, promotion on a global scale will accelerate TD-LTE of mature industry chain, in3G has been at a disadvantage in the competition of China Mobile will be able to bottom out. In 2012, the scale of the plan will be started in 9 cities of China Mobile test, Hangzhou and Shenzhen will conduct business trial, building more than 20,000 base stations.  By 2013, size increased to more than 200,000 base stations, expanding the scale of commercial trials. Passion for 4G relative to China Mobile, ChinaChina Unicom and China Telecom was calm, they think 4G is not mature enough, to data service and universal, can be large scale development. Writing: the South reporter Wang Xiaoxing intern xiaoxiaoshan Others:

