
tera gold adverse situations remained behind at the last moment - EWY

129770905942968750_51 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera/gold">tera gold</a>Hongyuan has lost a key match, making them in a passive situation now. I heard that after the press conference, Li Chunjiang coaches in answering a reporter's question, explanation of lost causes, stressed the "12 days without playing, affected" the objective reasons.  For this statement, I do not agree with. Judging from the tournament, Hongyuan team playNormally, although the number of errors than the visiting team, but there are still some bright spots. But Li Chunjiang, even coaching group as a whole, significantly affected by the basket yesterday out of the influence of the ticket. Carrying criticism of Li Chunjiang mental state will inevitably be fluctuation, which directly affects his field command, leading to mistakes in scheduling, no basic quality of Champions show up.Last Festival, Hongyuan from the lead 10 minutes into the final were reversed by Beijing lose Lee instructions to pause until the last 2 minutes. One eight-year seven "champion Jiao Dou" is concerned, it is difficult to imagine the error. Of course, I can also understand, after the first fight, Lee steering into some controversy, too much pressure, including public opinion, it is clear thatHongyuan's rhythm.  That joke, he definitely did not watch after my first comment, not emancipate, patrons watching the negative message. In addition tera power leveling, adverse situations remained behind at the last moment, it is not possible to reverse the situation of Wang shipeng (micro-blogging) bench, is not guilty of an error. Even in the last 2 minutes and 17 seconds, behind 9Cases not the Defense until 1 minute 49 seconds left when all oppression. At this point, already too late.  Perhaps due to his too much pressure, highly fatigue. Looking back at the Beijing team tera gold, min lulei schedule very well, warned at the beginning of Marbury (Twitter) do not storm, save strength and bring other players attack score, guaranteed the first two high hit ratioAt the same time, laid the solid foundation for victory, for players in Beijing is also a very positive on the psychological hint. In addition, even if the visiting team bench depth difference exists in reality, but min lulei by very good mobility, a player feel bad just replaced, solves this problem. Decided the Championship finals dare daring talent, immense.Song Tao column (writer, people's Government of Dongguan consultants, NBA China first person) Others:

