
tera gold publicity outlets not possible to visit all projects. As far as I know - HNS

129773160543125000_205Bank charges which have caught the public attention, with effect from April 1, banks will charge for service item prices. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, banks should be known to the public before the end of February at the Headquarters site and place the "seven not allowed", and released the service charge rates before the end of March. Recently, this reporter found in an interview, although the banks are known to the public Web site has a "The seven forbidden ", but known to the public network of the fees are more or less, and some service charges between different bank standard difference is huge. Fee announcement item number "intensity" differences, this reporter recently access to the commercial bank official site and found, at present banks have been hanging out in the China Banking Regulatory Commission on the regulation of banking and financial institutions in irregular operation notification rules"The seven forbidden" requirement, but early late hour of the announcement, most of the Bank's Web site shows announced for the end of February, some Bank Web sites display the release time is early March. Many banks are on "the seven forbidden" for publicity. For a fee, although it is not known to the public to the regulator provides the "deadline", but now many banks on its official Web siteHas announced the partial charges, which include banking card electronic bank fees and charges. Official website announcement of a joint-stock Bank price list is more comprehensive, including personal finance, credit cards, personal loans and savings, went abroad personal physical gold agency service fees. In many locations tera gold, reporters found that banks are charging standards expressed in different termsDo publicity. Its publicity contents focused on credit card annual fees and loss reporting fees, all kinds of bank card remittance fees and claims on account management fees. But in public, "" on the performance of the banks there are different. Several banks at a press visit, publicity fees banks of less known to the public only has 12 items, publicity fees more publicity 59 bank branches.Public more fully known to the public bank branches tera power leveling, part of the duigongyewu project also includes personal foreign exchange business, such as electronic banking fees. According to the Bank of China (601,988, market information tera gold, the major trading) industry association 2011 from published data, banks provide services products and projects a total of 1076, 226 of them free,Than 21%; fee 850, than 79%. Judging from the current situation, and no bank charges on all of its publicity. In response, the Assistant Manager of a State-owned bank explained: "because charging a large number of items, publicity outlets not possible to visit all projects. As far as I know, now public which are after statistics, people will oftenTo handle the business. ����"Therefore, reporters also found, known to the public in each bank charges on the price list, almost all marked with similar" above prices are a bank service prices, the right of final interpretation of a Bank all "notes. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment buildingDiscussion on. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

